Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Italian > LEVEL 8
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Hello
1] I can use expressions related to timesuch as 'A presto', 'a tra poco', 'a più tardi', 'a domani', 'alla settimana prossima'.
2] I understand different of address within the classroom and also in different social situations,with a clear understanding of when ‘Lei’ and ‘tu’ are used.
3] I can understand what is being said in class and respond appropriately.
4] I can understand and use help phrasessuch as: ‘Scusi, può ripetere, per favore', 'mi scusi', 'non capisco', 'non ho capito', 'più lentamente', 'meno/troppo veloce', 'posso…? 'Vorrei…' 'grazie’.
5] I can introduce myself, providing biographical details and can ask others to provide information about themselves and their biographical details.
6] I can fluently use regular and irregular verbs in -are, -ere, -ire in the present tense.
7] I can research the life of some famous person(s) in history/the media/sports etc and create a short presentation about him/her/them.
8] I can use vocabularysuch as ‘famoso, celebre, molto noto/a, importante,/la migliore' and vocabulary related to celebrities and/or the entertainment industry like ‘cantante, attore, attrice, comico, calciatore’.
9] I can use fixed phrasessuch as‘Lui/lei è nato/a, lui/lei è morto/a’.
10] I can use phrases/expressionssuch as 'Da quanti anni gioca/canta? Gioca/Canta da 10 anni'.
11] I can use object pronouns.
12] I can use indirect object pronouns, such as 'Oggi vi parlo di...'

2] I understand different of address within the classroom and also in different social situations,with a clear understanding of when ‘Lei’ and ‘tu’ are used.
3] I can understand what is being said in class and respond appropriately.
4] I can understand and use help phrasessuch as: ‘Scusi, può ripetere, per favore', 'mi scusi', 'non capisco', 'non ho capito', 'più lentamente', 'meno/troppo veloce', 'posso…? 'Vorrei…' 'grazie’.
5] I can introduce myself, providing biographical details and can ask others to provide information about themselves and their biographical details.

6] I can fluently use regular and irregular verbs in -are, -ere, -ire in the present tense.
7] I can research the life of some famous person(s) in history/the media/sports etc and create a short presentation about him/her/them.
8] I can use vocabularysuch as ‘famoso, celebre, molto noto/a, importante,/la migliore' and vocabulary related to celebrities and/or the entertainment industry like ‘cantante, attore, attrice, comico, calciatore’.
9] I can use fixed phrasessuch as‘Lui/lei è nato/a, lui/lei è morto/a’.
10] I can use phrases/expressionssuch as 'Da quanti anni gioca/canta? Gioca/Canta da 10 anni'.
11] I can use object pronouns.
12] I can use indirect object pronouns, such as 'Oggi vi parlo di...'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Calendar
1] I can recite, recognise and write numbers up to 1,000, 000.
2] I can discuss the weather in different parts of the worldusing expressions containing prepositions like ‘in’ and: 'Non fa mai troppo freddo in Egitto. A Roma non nevica spesso’.
3] I can understand texts about the weather and feasts in their context and can use and understand related vocabularye.g. La festa del santo patrono/villaggio, festeggiare, celebrare, camminare, guardare i fuochi d'artificio/ la processsione, partecipare alla festa.
4] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a presentation about weather conditions in Italy, referring to different geographicalsuch as 'Al mare, in montagna, in campagna etc...'
5] I can talk about the weather using the 'futuro semplice'. I can use vocabulary/expressions related to the weather to say what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, next week etc. e.g. Domani farà bel tempo.
2] I can discuss the weather in different parts of the worldusing expressions containing prepositions like ‘in’ and: 'Non fa mai troppo freddo in Egitto. A Roma non nevica spesso’.
3] I can understand texts about the weather and feasts in their context and can use and understand related vocabularye.g. La festa del santo patrono/villaggio, festeggiare, celebrare, camminare, guardare i fuochi d'artificio/ la processsione, partecipare alla festa.

4] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a presentation about weather conditions in Italy, referring to different geographicalsuch as 'Al mare, in montagna, in campagna etc...'

5] I can talk about the weather using the 'futuro semplice'. I can use vocabulary/expressions related to the weather to say what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, next week etc. e.g. Domani farà bel tempo.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: About Me
1] I can describe my best friends/favourite singers/actors/footballers etc. using adjectives to describe personality and character, agreement and placement of adjectives verbally and in writinge.g. mio amico è un ragazzo simpatico.
2] I can ask others about their best friends/favourite singers/actors etc.
3] I can read, listen and understand texts about famous people.
4] I can say whether I get on well with members of my family and why, describe my relationship with them, and ask others about their relationship with their family members using phrasessuch as 'Vado d'accordo con mio fratello perché è simpatico', ‘Non/Andare d’accordo con…'
5] I can use vocabulary related to family members.
6] I can use adverbs of time/using‘normalmente, una volta alla settimana, regolarmente, tutti i giorni, ogni domenica, prima, dopo etc.’
7] I can discuss with others, issues relating to owning pets using expressions/vocabulary such as 'tenere compagnia, allergico, mi fa paura, miglior amico dell'uomo'.
8] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about others’ views on family life and the chores they do at home.
9] I can express opinions/feelings using vocabularysuch as 'Secondo me, È giusto,/non è giusto, è, è troppo’.
2] I can ask others about their best friends/favourite singers/actors etc.
3] I can read, listen and understand texts about famous people.
4] I can say whether I get on well with members of my family and why, describe my relationship with them, and ask others about their relationship with their family members using phrasessuch as 'Vado d'accordo con mio fratello perché è simpatico', ‘Non/Andare d’accordo con…'
5] I can use vocabulary related to family members.
6] I can use adverbs of time/using‘normalmente, una volta alla settimana, regolarmente, tutti i giorni, ogni domenica, prima, dopo etc.’
7] I can discuss with others, issues relating to owning pets using expressions/vocabulary such as 'tenere compagnia, allergico, mi fa paura, miglior amico dell'uomo'.

8] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about others’ views on family life and the chores they do at home.
9] I can express opinions/feelings using vocabularysuch as 'Secondo me, È giusto,/non è giusto, è, è troppo’.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can use expressions related to geographical featuressuch as 'lago, mare, le rocce, la montagna, le foreste' etc.
2] I can talk about sustainable measures used in the house, e.g. pannelli solari etc.
3] I can talk about household chores that I carry out and ask others about how they help at home using vocabularysuch as 'lavare i piatti, riordinare la stanza, pulire pavimento, portare cane per una passeggiata', 'sparecchiare la tavola', 'trascorrere del tempo con la famiglia' etc.
4] I can use vocabulary related to a home/house and closest amenities.
2] I can talk about sustainable measures used in the house, e.g. pannelli solari etc.

3] I can talk about household chores that I carry out and ask others about how they help at home using vocabularysuch as 'lavare i piatti, riordinare la stanza, pulire pavimento, portare cane per una passeggiata', 'sparecchiare la tavola', 'trascorrere del tempo con la famiglia' etc.

4] I can use vocabulary related to a home/house and closest amenities.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family, Pets and Friends
1] I can understand short texts in the past tense about school routines.
2] I can describe my school uniform and ask others their views on the school uniform.
3] I can write a text/article for the school magazine about an event/outing/ school activity using the past tenses and relevant vocabulary.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: My home
1] I can order food and drink in café or restaurant using the conditional tensee.g.vorrei, prenderei.
2] I can understand a menu in Italian and related vocabularysuch as 'coperto, menù del giorno, specialità locali' etc.
3] I can ask for and pay the bill using expressionssuch as 'il conto per favore'; 'Quant'è in totale?'
4] I can ask for a table using expressionssuch as 'un tavolo per tre persone per favore'.
5] I can write brief responses in Italian to situations/simple dialogues in a restaurant setting.
6] I can describe particular meals for special occasions such as Christmas, Easter and New Year’s Eve.
7] I can understand and explain an Italian recipe while using the imperative/infitive e.g. metti lo zucchero…, aggiungi la farina…, preparare l'impasto della pizza…
8] In collaboration with others, I can research the gastronomic specialities of an area of Italy.
2] I can understand a menu in Italian and related vocabularysuch as 'coperto, menù del giorno, specialità locali' etc.
3] I can ask for and pay the bill using expressionssuch as 'il conto per favore'; 'Quant'è in totale?'
4] I can ask for a table using expressionssuch as 'un tavolo per tre persone per favore'.
5] I can write brief responses in Italian to situations/simple dialogues in a restaurant setting.
6] I can describe particular meals for special occasions such as Christmas, Easter and New Year’s Eve.

7] I can understand and explain an Italian recipe while using the imperative/infitive e.g. metti lo zucchero…, aggiungi la farina…, preparare l'impasto della pizza…
8] In collaboration with others, I can research the gastronomic specialities of an area of Italy.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Work
1] I can ask for a specific item in a shop using vocabularysuch as 'potere, volere + infinitive'; 'voglio/vorrei comprare posso provare vorrei cambiare posso vederne altri Cerco un…'
2] I can close sale/purchase and request a bill using vocabulary and expressionssuch as ‘vorrei, avete, voglio, quant’è in totale/quanto costa?' ’Mi dia...'
3] I can negotiate and bargain/haggle using phrasessuch as 'È già scontato?' 'Mi fa lo sconto?'
4] I can understand simple narratives in the imperfect/ passato prossimo tensee.g. ieri/sabato scorso ho comprato una camicia.
5] I can read and understand brief job adverts.
6] I can respond to a job advert briefly, verbally or in writing, stating my qualifications, interests and availability using phrasessuchas 'Voglio lavorare come cameriere perché…' 'Posso lavorare di domenica…', 'Ho già esperienza in questo lavoro'.

2] I can close sale/purchase and request a bill using vocabulary and expressionssuch as ‘vorrei, avete, voglio, quant’è in totale/quanto costa?' ’Mi dia...'
3] I can negotiate and bargain/haggle using phrasessuch as 'È già scontato?' 'Mi fa lo sconto?'
4] I can understand simple narratives in the imperfect/ passato prossimo tensee.g. ieri/sabato scorso ho comprato una camicia.
5] I can read and understand brief job adverts.
6] I can respond to a job advert briefly, verbally or in writing, stating my qualifications, interests and availability using phrasessuchas 'Voglio lavorare come cameriere perché…' 'Posso lavorare di domenica…', 'Ho già esperienza in questo lavoro'.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Leisure Time
1] I can give details and provide information, verbally or in writing, about what I like to do in my free time.
2] I can describe different kinds of films/video games/music/TV programmes.
3] I can use the relative pronouns'che; chi; dove'to talk about preferences,e.g.programma che i giovani preferiscono è... Chi vince la partita...
4] I can talk about and compare different types of music, musical instruments, films, famous popstars using comparisonssuch as'È migliore, è più interessante, è più bello...' and superlatives like 'Lei è la più alta della classe’; 'Preferisco guardare un film che ascoltare la musica; Secondo me, i film western sono più belli dei film horror'.
5] I can use direct object pronouns in phrasessuch as'le/la preferisco perché...'
6] I can talk about family outings and excursions involving, for instance, outdoor activities and visits to cultural sites and nature reserves with expressionssuch as 'che cosa fa la tua famiglia durante fine settimana?'
7] I can use time adverbs and expressionssuch as'recentemente'or'durante le vacanze'.
8] I can describe and ask others about what I/they did recently and in the past during my/their free time.
9] I can accept/reject an invitation using vocabularysuch as'Vuoi andare a...’ Non non posso venire perché… Puoi accompagnarmi al cinema/una gara di judo/una partita di calci’ giving and justifying my opinions and ideas.
10] I can understand texts about different types of free time activities and people’s preferences in relation to music, TV programmes, video games and films.
11] I can write a short text giving my opinions on sport, drama, dance or other leisure activities showing an interest for the diverse cultural and artistic manifestations.
12] I can write a text about a film I watched, a concert I attended, an outing, a voluntary experience I was involved in, an overseas trip, or a village feast.

2] I can describe different kinds of films/video games/music/TV programmes.
3] I can use the relative pronouns'che; chi; dove'to talk about preferences,e.g.programma che i giovani preferiscono è... Chi vince la partita...
4] I can talk about and compare different types of music, musical instruments, films, famous popstars using comparisonssuch as'È migliore, è più interessante, è più bello...' and superlatives like 'Lei è la più alta della classe’; 'Preferisco guardare un film che ascoltare la musica; Secondo me, i film western sono più belli dei film horror'.
5] I can use direct object pronouns in phrasessuch as'le/la preferisco perché...'
6] I can talk about family outings and excursions involving, for instance, outdoor activities and visits to cultural sites and nature reserves with expressionssuch as 'che cosa fa la tua famiglia durante fine settimana?'
7] I can use time adverbs and expressionssuch as'recentemente'or'durante le vacanze'.
8] I can describe and ask others about what I/they did recently and in the past during my/their free time.
9] I can accept/reject an invitation using vocabularysuch as'Vuoi andare a...’ Non non posso venire perché… Puoi accompagnarmi al cinema/una gara di judo/una partita di calci’ giving and justifying my opinions and ideas.

10] I can understand texts about different types of free time activities and people’s preferences in relation to music, TV programmes, video games and films.
11] I can write a short text giving my opinions on sport, drama, dance or other leisure activities showing an interest for the diverse cultural and artistic manifestations.

12] I can write a text about a film I watched, a concert I attended, an outing, a voluntary experience I was involved in, an overseas trip, or a village feast.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Travel and Holidays
1] I can talk about different countries.
2] I can talk and ask others about a trip using the 'passato prossimo' and the imperfect tenses.
3] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about travelling and things to see and do in different places.
4] I can ask others which countries/regions they would like and would not like to visit and why using phrasessuch as 'Perché vuoi andare in Spagna?', 'Dove vorresti stare?' 'Cosa ti piacerebbe vedere?'
5] I can collaborate with others to produce a report about travel and things to see and do in Malta and /or in Italy.
6] I can understand written or oral texts in mostly familiar language about where others would like to travel/ live/work.
7] I can write a short account of where I intend to travel and about my plans using the future tense.
8] I can research, with others, a travel destination and present my findings in Italian.
9] I can talk about a future holiday and understand others when they talk about future holidays using the future tense.
10] I can identify key personnel in a hotel including 'il cameriere; il direttore; il cuoco'and key areas like'la reception'; 'la camera d’albergo'; 'l'ascensore'; 'la scala'.
11] I can describe a visit made to a hotel/country using the passato prossimoe.g. ho visitato; ho prenotato; ho mangiato; ho utilizzato la piscina and using vocabularysuch as 'aereo'; 'equipaggio'.
12] I can state my travel destination at a travel agency/when speaking to friends using expressionssuch as'mi piacerebbe fare un viaggio per…'
13] I can enquire about facilities and I can check in/out of a hotel using 'parto oggi'; 'partirò domani mattina'; che ora viene servita la colazione? Vorrei prenotare una camera doppia con vista'.
14] I can ask and provide information about flights, dates and times of departure and arrival using phrasessuch as'quando parte volo?'; che ora arriva il volo?'
2] I can talk and ask others about a trip using the 'passato prossimo' and the imperfect tenses.
3] I can understand short texts in mostly familiar language about travelling and things to see and do in different places.

4] I can ask others which countries/regions they would like and would not like to visit and why using phrasessuch as 'Perché vuoi andare in Spagna?', 'Dove vorresti stare?' 'Cosa ti piacerebbe vedere?'
5] I can collaborate with others to produce a report about travel and things to see and do in Malta and /or in Italy.

6] I can understand written or oral texts in mostly familiar language about where others would like to travel/ live/work.
7] I can write a short account of where I intend to travel and about my plans using the future tense.
8] I can research, with others, a travel destination and present my findings in Italian.

9] I can talk about a future holiday and understand others when they talk about future holidays using the future tense.

10] I can identify key personnel in a hotel including 'il cameriere; il direttore; il cuoco'and key areas like'la reception'; 'la camera d’albergo'; 'l'ascensore'; 'la scala'.
11] I can describe a visit made to a hotel/country using the passato prossimoe.g. ho visitato; ho prenotato; ho mangiato; ho utilizzato la piscina and using vocabularysuch as 'aereo'; 'equipaggio'.
12] I can state my travel destination at a travel agency/when speaking to friends using expressionssuch as'mi piacerebbe fare un viaggio per…'
13] I can enquire about facilities and I can check in/out of a hotel using 'parto oggi'; 'partirò domani mattina'; che ora viene servita la colazione? Vorrei prenotare una camera doppia con vista'.
14] I can ask and provide information about flights, dates and times of departure and arrival using phrasessuch as'quando parte volo?'; che ora arriva il volo?'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy Living
1] I can say if I am unwell using vocabulary and expressionssuch as ‘essere in forma, non essere in forma’, ‘aver male al/ai/alla/ alle/agli, Mi fa/ fanno male/lo/la/i/ gli/le… ho mal di gola/la febbre/ l’influenza’.
2] I can explain symptoms of my illness to the doctor/dentist/nurse.
3] I can make an appointment with a doctor or dentist using ‘Voglio/ vorrei/ posso prendere un appuntamento (con)?’ using expressions related to time.

4] I can talk about and discuss fitness/ physical activities/ healthy lifestyles.
5] I can discuss healthy eating using phrasessuch as ‘È sano/malsano/ equilibrato/ buono/ cattivo per la salute’; ‘Contiene troppo grasso/zucchero'; 'Fa ingrassare’; 'Fa bene/male alla salute’, 'Mangiare leggero, Prodotti naturali/bio'.

6] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language relating to fitness and teenage health issues.

7] I can collaborate with others to produce a poster/ presentation about good health practices and present the findings, mostly in Italian.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Media and Technology
1] I can understand texts in mostly familiar language about technology.
2] I can write about how I use technology in my life, demonstrating knowledge about how to use technology responsibly, safely and securely.
2] I can write about how I use technology in my life, demonstrating knowledge about how to use technology responsibly, safely and securely.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Road to Italy
1] I can identify and talk about famous landmarks in Italysuch as 'Piazza di Spagna' with 'Via dei Condotti' right in front or 'La Fontana di Trevi' or 'Piazza Navona' in Rome 'La Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele' in Milan or 'L’Arena di Verona' and refer to certain traditions such as the tossing of coins in 'La Fontana di Trevi'.
2] I can plan and discuss a visit to the landmarks in Italy.
3] I can talk about the importance of 'La moda italiana' and fashion designers by referring to the role of the 'Piazza di Spagna' or 'La Galleria Vittorio Emanuele' in fashion shows.
4] I can identify the seas in the Mediterranean that surround Italy, namely the 'Mar Adriatico' and the 'Mar Tirreno' and refer to the 'Mar Ionio' and to the 'Mar Ligure' and the cities of portualGenova, Napoli, Venezia.
5] I can locate 'Piazza San Marco' in Venice and then prepare a presentation about the Carnival of Venice referring in particular to the costumes and masks.
6] I can show a basic knowledge of aspects which affect society negatively in Italy including pollution, prejudices between the North and the South and organised crime such as 'Mafia', 'Camorra', etc.
2] I can plan and discuss a visit to the landmarks in Italy.
3] I can talk about the importance of 'La moda italiana' and fashion designers by referring to the role of the 'Piazza di Spagna' or 'La Galleria Vittorio Emanuele' in fashion shows.
4] I can identify the seas in the Mediterranean that surround Italy, namely the 'Mar Adriatico' and the 'Mar Tirreno' and refer to the 'Mar Ionio' and to the 'Mar Ligure' and the cities of portualGenova, Napoli, Venezia.
5] I can locate 'Piazza San Marco' in Venice and then prepare a presentation about the Carnival of Venice referring in particular to the costumes and masks.
6] I can show a basic knowledge of aspects which affect society negatively in Italy including pollution, prejudices between the North and the South and organised crime such as 'Mafia', 'Camorra', etc.