Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Italian > LEVEL 6
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Hello
1] I can recognise the sounds of the Italian alphabet.
2] I can recognise the Italian alphabet in print.
3] I can say and write the Italian alphabet.
4] I can spell my name and ask how to spell words.
5] I can write some basic words using the Italian alphabet.
6] I can read words and syllables such as ca, cia,ci, chi, ge, ghe, sci, scia, etc.
7] I can identify and recognise common words in Italian which are also used in Maltese (and other languages) or in the Maltese cultural context such as'pizza', ristorante, televisione, pero`'.
8] I can express and respond to basic greetings according to the time of day Buongiorno, Buon pomeriggio, Buonasera, Buonanotte.
9] I can apologise, express thanks, welcome someone and say goodbye. 'Scusa, grazie, prego, arrivederci, ciao, ci vediamo.
10] I can say my name and ask for someone's name in Italian. Io sono Maria e tu chi sei? Io mi chiamo Marco e tu come ti chiami?
11] I can understand basic classroom instructions. Apri il libro, chiudi la porta, alzati, alzatevi.
12] I can ask basic questions related to immediate needs. Posso andare al bagno per favore, posso bere, puoi ripetere?
13] I can understand that Italians use tu with family and friend and lei in formal situations.
2] I can recognise the Italian alphabet in print.
3] I can say and write the Italian alphabet.
4] I can spell my name and ask how to spell words.
5] I can write some basic words using the Italian alphabet.
6] I can read words and syllables such as ca, cia,ci, chi, ge, ghe, sci, scia, etc.
7] I can identify and recognise common words in Italian which are also used in Maltese (and other languages) or in the Maltese cultural context such as'pizza', ristorante, televisione, pero`'.
8] I can express and respond to basic greetings according to the time of day Buongiorno, Buon pomeriggio, Buonasera, Buonanotte.
9] I can apologise, express thanks, welcome someone and say goodbye. 'Scusa, grazie, prego, arrivederci, ciao, ci vediamo.
10] I can say my name and ask for someone's name in Italian. Io sono Maria e tu chi sei? Io mi chiamo Marco e tu come ti chiami?
11] I can understand basic classroom instructions. Apri il libro, chiudi la porta, alzati, alzatevi.
12] I can ask basic questions related to immediate needs. Posso andare al bagno per favore, posso bere, puoi ripetere?
13] I can understand that Italians use tu with family and friend and lei in formal situations.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The Calendar
1] I can recognise and use cardinal numbers 0-31.
2] I can ask and respond to questions about age. Quanti anni hai? Ho 13 anni.
3] I can recite, recognise and write the days of the week.
4] I can recite, recognise and write the months of the year.
5] I can recite, recognised and write the seasons.
6] I can recite, recognise and write the main colours.
7] I can say which is my favourite colour, season, month, day of the week. (Il mio colore/mese/giorno preferito e`. La mia stagione preferita e`...).
8] I can say my nationality and as for the nationality of the persons in my class. (Di che nazionalita` sei? Sono italiano).
9] I can say my birthday. (31 Agosto).
10] I can recognise and use the personal pronouns (io tu ecc).
11] I can recognise and use the verbs avere and essere in the present tense.
12] I can match a picture with the corresponding word. (Listening, Speaking and Writing).
2] I can ask and respond to questions about age. Quanti anni hai? Ho 13 anni.
3] I can recite, recognise and write the days of the week.
4] I can recite, recognise and write the months of the year.
5] I can recite, recognised and write the seasons.
6] I can recite, recognise and write the main colours.
7] I can say which is my favourite colour, season, month, day of the week. (Il mio colore/mese/giorno preferito e`. La mia stagione preferita e`...).
8] I can say my nationality and as for the nationality of the persons in my class. (Di che nazionalita` sei? Sono italiano).
9] I can say my birthday. (31 Agosto).
10] I can recognise and use the personal pronouns (io tu ecc).
11] I can recognise and use the verbs avere and essere in the present tense.
12] I can match a picture with the corresponding word. (Listening, Speaking and Writing).
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: About Me
1] I can say where I live (abito a ...) and ask someone where s/he lives (dove abiti?).
2] I can present myself briefly (name, age, birthday, nationality, where I live, my favourite colour/month/season/day).
3] I can say my favourtie food and sport.
4] I can understand when someone presents him/herself.
5] I can fill in short forms giving personal details.
6] I can ask others their names, ages, nationalities and where they live.
7] I can use the masculine and feminine of regular nouns and adjectives which end in -o and -a in the singular.
8] I can use the definite articles (il/lo/l'/la) with the most common masculine and feminine singular nouns and adjectives. (Il ragazzo e` bello - La ragazza e` bella - Lo zaino e` rosso - La macchina e rossa).
9] I can use the definite articles (i, gli, le) with the most common masculine and feminine singular nouns and adjectives in the plural. (I ragazzi sono belli - Le ragezze sone belle - Gli zaini sono rossi - Le macchine sono rosse).
10] I can use basic punctuation (punto, virgola, maiuscole, punto interrogativo).
11] I can use the conjunctions e, ma/pero` to join simple sentences.
2] I can present myself briefly (name, age, birthday, nationality, where I live, my favourite colour/month/season/day).
3] I can say my favourtie food and sport.
4] I can understand when someone presents him/herself.
5] I can fill in short forms giving personal details.
6] I can ask others their names, ages, nationalities and where they live.
7] I can use the masculine and feminine of regular nouns and adjectives which end in -o and -a in the singular.
8] I can use the definite articles (il/lo/l'/la) with the most common masculine and feminine singular nouns and adjectives. (Il ragazzo e` bello - La ragazza e` bella - Lo zaino e` rosso - La macchina e rossa).
9] I can use the definite articles (i, gli, le) with the most common masculine and feminine singular nouns and adjectives in the plural. (I ragazzi sono belli - Le ragezze sone belle - Gli zaini sono rossi - Le macchine sono rosse).
10] I can use basic punctuation (punto, virgola, maiuscole, punto interrogativo).
11] I can use the conjunctions e, ma/pero` to join simple sentences.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can use and understand vocabulary related to the classroom and school environment.
2] I can use and understand vocabulary related to stationery.
3] I can use short phrases to describe the classroom and what is in it.
4] I can use c'e` and ci sono in a phrase.
5] I can name the different subjects that I study at school.
6] I can say what is my favourite subject and ask others about theirs,
7] I can make requests in the classroom and ask for help in Italian.
8] I can name the main areas in a school such as 'il cortile, ufficio del preside, la palestra, il bagno, la classe', and personnel in the school including: 'il preside, l'insegnante, la segretaria'.
9] I can match the correct definite article with singular masculine and feminine nouns which end in -e , la classe, la lezione, lo studente, il cortile, il/la preside, l'insegnante m/f.
10] I can match the correct article to regular nouns and adjectives which end in -e (singular and plural) Lo studente e` intelligente / Gli studenti sono intelligenti / La lezione e` interessante / Le lezioni sono interessanti.
11] I can use questo/a and quello/a with familiar nouns in short phrases. Questo e` il libro di geografia. Quello e` il libro di matematica. Questa e` la penna rossa. Quella e` la penna blu.
2] I can use and understand vocabulary related to stationery.
3] I can use short phrases to describe the classroom and what is in it.
4] I can use c'e` and ci sono in a phrase.
5] I can name the different subjects that I study at school.
6] I can say what is my favourite subject and ask others about theirs,
7] I can make requests in the classroom and ask for help in Italian.
8] I can name the main areas in a school such as 'il cortile, ufficio del preside, la palestra, il bagno, la classe', and personnel in the school including: 'il preside, l'insegnante, la segretaria'.
9] I can match the correct definite article with singular masculine and feminine nouns which end in -e , la classe, la lezione, lo studente, il cortile, il/la preside, l'insegnante m/f.
10] I can match the correct article to regular nouns and adjectives which end in -e (singular and plural) Lo studente e` intelligente / Gli studenti sono intelligenti / La lezione e` interessante / Le lezioni sono interessanti.
11] I can use questo/a and quello/a with familiar nouns in short phrases. Questo e` il libro di geografia. Quello e` il libro di matematica. Questa e` la penna rossa. Quella e` la penna blu.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family, Pets and Friends
1] I can say how many people there are in my family and who they are.
2] I can ask and answer questions about family members.
3] I can describe the relationship between family members.
4] I can use the indefinite articles (un', una, uno) with the most common masculine and feminine singular nouns and adjectives.
5] I can use and recognise vocabulary related to animals. Domestic pets: un cane, un coniglio, un gatto, una gatta, un pappagallo, un pesce, una tartaruga, un uccello. Farm animals: un cavallo, una gallina, un asino, una mucca, una pecora, una capra, un'oca, un maiale. Wild animals: Una tigre, un leone, una giraffe, un elefante, un coccodrillo, un serpente, un gorilla, una scimmia, un orso, una zebra. Marine animals: Una balena, uno squalo, un delfino.
6] I can ask people if they have pets.
7] I can talk briefly about a pet.
8] I can use the possessives (singular and plural) with familiar nouns including family members and pets.
9] I can use negatives in fixed phrases. Non ho fratelli/sorelle - non ho animali.
10] I can use a variety of adjectives to describe the physical traits of a person.
(alto, basso, magro, grasso, biondo, moro, brutto, bello, giovane, anziano).
11] I can use adjectives to describe the character of a person. (simpatico/antipatico, allegro/felice/contento/infelice, calmo/nervoso, organizzato/disorganizzato, educato/maleducato).
2] I can ask and answer questions about family members.
3] I can describe the relationship between family members.
4] I can use the indefinite articles (un', una, uno) with the most common masculine and feminine singular nouns and adjectives.
5] I can use and recognise vocabulary related to animals. Domestic pets: un cane, un coniglio, un gatto, una gatta, un pappagallo, un pesce, una tartaruga, un uccello. Farm animals: un cavallo, una gallina, un asino, una mucca, una pecora, una capra, un'oca, un maiale. Wild animals: Una tigre, un leone, una giraffe, un elefante, un coccodrillo, un serpente, un gorilla, una scimmia, un orso, una zebra. Marine animals: Una balena, uno squalo, un delfino.
6] I can ask people if they have pets.
7] I can talk briefly about a pet.
8] I can use the possessives (singular and plural) with familiar nouns including family members and pets.
9] I can use negatives in fixed phrases. Non ho fratelli/sorelle - non ho animali.
10] I can use a variety of adjectives to describe the physical traits of a person.
(alto, basso, magro, grasso, biondo, moro, brutto, bello, giovane, anziano).
11] I can use adjectives to describe the character of a person. (simpatico/antipatico, allegro/felice/contento/infelice, calmo/nervoso, organizzato/disorganizzato, educato/maleducato).
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: My home
1] I can say (and ask others) where I live (address) and in which type of house I live.
(Abito in un appartamento in via Roma).
2] I can recognise and say numbers up to 100.
3] I can understand mille, mila, milione.
4] I can use the regular forms of -are, -ere, -ire in verbs in the present tense.
5] I can use and recognise vocabulary related to different types of homes casa, appartamento, fattoria, villa).
6] I can use abd recognise vocabulary related to rooms, furniture and areas in the house.
7] I can briefly describe an area or room in a house.
8] I can understand a brief description of a room/house.
9] I can recognise and use the prepositions. (a, di, da, con, tra, fra, su, per, in).
10] I can use a variety of adjectives to describe a house/room, pulita, sporca, grande/spaziosa, piccola, moderna, vecchai, ordinata, disordinata.
11] I can understand and use adverbs of place, sotto, sopra, dentro, fuori, davanti, dietro, vicino, destra, sinistra.
12] I can use some irregular verbs in the present tense, andare, fare, uscire, volere.
(Abito in un appartamento in via Roma).
2] I can recognise and say numbers up to 100.
3] I can understand mille, mila, milione.
4] I can use the regular forms of -are, -ere, -ire in verbs in the present tense.
5] I can use and recognise vocabulary related to different types of homes casa, appartamento, fattoria, villa).
6] I can use abd recognise vocabulary related to rooms, furniture and areas in the house.
7] I can briefly describe an area or room in a house.
8] I can understand a brief description of a room/house.
9] I can recognise and use the prepositions. (a, di, da, con, tra, fra, su, per, in).
10] I can use a variety of adjectives to describe a house/room, pulita, sporca, grande/spaziosa, piccola, moderna, vecchai, ordinata, disordinata.
11] I can understand and use adverbs of place, sotto, sopra, dentro, fuori, davanti, dietro, vicino, destra, sinistra.
12] I can use some irregular verbs in the present tense, andare, fare, uscire, volere.