Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Spanish > LEVEL 7
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Introductions
1] I can reproduce, in speech, the authentic sounds of the Spanish vowel and consonant system in context.
2] I can distinguish consonants/sounds that are different from Maltese/English.
3] I can greet people appropriately, ask how they are, tell them how I am and ask how another person is using '¡Hola! Buenos días / Buenas tardes / noches, ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo estás / está? bien, mal, fenomenal' and other simple adjectives.
4] I can apologise, express thanks, welcome and say goodbye.
5] I can use different forms of address to speak to friends, family members, persons in authority, and people I do not know, using formal and informal modes of address and language matching register and language to the situation.
6] I can react and respond to simple commands and classroom instructions such as 'lee, escribe, escucha, levántate/siéntate, abre/cierra', etc.
7] I can ask for help if I do not understand using help phrases like ‘Perdón,¿Puede repetir? No entiendo, Por favor’, '¿Cómo se dice/escribe … en español/inglés?', 'Por favor, tengo un problema', 'Gracias', 'De nada'.
8] I can introduce myself, state my age, birthday, telephone number, nationality, where I live and ask about others’ names, ages, addresses and nationalities.
9] I can welcome and introduce people to others and state their name, age, telephone number and address.
10] I can read/listen to and demonstrate an understanding of the details (name, age, telephone number, address and nationality) about others provided in texts and/or conversations.
11] I can write a short introduction about myself, providing personal details using verbs such as 'llamarse, tener, vivir, ser' in the Presente de Indicativo.

2] I can distinguish consonants/sounds that are different from Maltese/English.
3] I can greet people appropriately, ask how they are, tell them how I am and ask how another person is using '¡Hola! Buenos días / Buenas tardes / noches, ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo estás / está? bien, mal, fenomenal' and other simple adjectives.

4] I can apologise, express thanks, welcome and say goodbye.
5] I can use different forms of address to speak to friends, family members, persons in authority, and people I do not know, using formal and informal modes of address and language matching register and language to the situation.
6] I can react and respond to simple commands and classroom instructions such as 'lee, escribe, escucha, levántate/siéntate, abre/cierra', etc.
7] I can ask for help if I do not understand using help phrases like ‘Perdón,¿Puede repetir? No entiendo, Por favor’, '¿Cómo se dice/escribe … en español/inglés?', 'Por favor, tengo un problema', 'Gracias', 'De nada'.

8] I can introduce myself, state my age, birthday, telephone number, nationality, where I live and ask about others’ names, ages, addresses and nationalities.
9] I can welcome and introduce people to others and state their name, age, telephone number and address.

10] I can read/listen to and demonstrate an understanding of the details (name, age, telephone number, address and nationality) about others provided in texts and/or conversations.

11] I can write a short introduction about myself, providing personal details using verbs such as 'llamarse, tener, vivir, ser' in the Presente de Indicativo.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: The calendar
1] I can demonstrate an understanding of and produce numbers up to 1,000, as well as identify and express the ordinal numbers 'primero/a' till 'décimo/a'.
2] I can tell the time and enquire about the current time using vocabulary such as, 'mediodía, medianoche, de la mañana/tarde/noche/ madrugada, en punto'.
3] I can identify what the current day´s date is and state the months of the year.
4] I can state my own birthday and/or día del santo and ask about someone else´s birthday and/or día del santo.
5] I can describe the weather in Malta and other places, and ask others about the weather in other places using expressions such as ‘hace/hay/está’ and the verbs 'llover' and 'nevar'.
6] I can describe the weather during the different seasons using the appropriate prepositions 'en la primavera, en verano, en otoño, en invierno' and corresponding weather expressions.
7] I can tell what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, next week, etc. using the verbal phrase 'ir a + infinitivo', e.g. 'va a llover, va a hacer frío'.
2] I can tell the time and enquire about the current time using vocabulary such as, 'mediodía, medianoche, de la mañana/tarde/noche/ madrugada, en punto'.
3] I can identify what the current day´s date is and state the months of the year.
4] I can state my own birthday and/or día del santo and ask about someone else´s birthday and/or día del santo.
5] I can describe the weather in Malta and other places, and ask others about the weather in other places using expressions such as ‘hace/hay/está’ and the verbs 'llover' and 'nevar'.

6] I can describe the weather during the different seasons using the appropriate prepositions 'en la primavera, en verano, en otoño, en invierno' and corresponding weather expressions.

7] I can tell what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, next week, etc. using the verbal phrase 'ir a + infinitivo', e.g. 'va a llover, va a hacer frío'.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Family and pets
1] I can identify how many people are in my family and who they are using vocabulary of family members and possessive adjectives; and using 'y, pero, también, que' and the verbs 'ser, tener, llamarse', the verb form 'hay' and the adverb 'no' to form the negative, e.g. 'No tengo hermanos pero tengo un perro que se llama Paqui.'
2] I can ask other people to describe their family and demonstrate an understanding of what they tell me using structures such as '¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?, ¿Quiénes son?, ¿Tienes hermanos?'
3] I can state whether I own a pet or not, and describe the pet/s using vocabulary related to animals, descriptive adjectives, the verbs 'tener, ser, llamarse' and their negative forms, e.g. 'No tengo animales; Tengo un conejo gris.'
4] I can ask other people if they own any pet/s using structures such as '¿Tienes mascotas en casa?' and demonstrate an understanding of the description given of the latter.
5] I can name pets such as 'perro, gato, conejo, pájaro'.
6] I can write a text describing my family, including any pets.
7] I can prepare a poster
describing my favourite animal or pet, including information about its distinctive characteristics (habitat, colour, size, breed).
2] I can ask other people to describe their family and demonstrate an understanding of what they tell me using structures such as '¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?, ¿Quiénes son?, ¿Tienes hermanos?'

3] I can state whether I own a pet or not, and describe the pet/s using vocabulary related to animals, descriptive adjectives, the verbs 'tener, ser, llamarse' and their negative forms, e.g. 'No tengo animales; Tengo un conejo gris.'
4] I can ask other people if they own any pet/s using structures such as '¿Tienes mascotas en casa?' and demonstrate an understanding of the description given of the latter.
5] I can name pets such as 'perro, gato, conejo, pájaro'.
6] I can write a text describing my family, including any pets.
7] I can prepare a poster
describing my favourite animal or pet, including information about its distinctive characteristics (habitat, colour, size, breed).

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Describing others
1] I can give a physical description of myself, family members, friends and pets, also highlighting aspects of their character using adjectives to describe height, size, hair and eye colour and character, emphasising adjective-noun agreement and position.
2] I can ask others to describe themselves and members of their family, friends and pets using '¿Cómo es? ¿De qué color tiene el pelo/los ojos?'', emphasising adjective-noun agreement and position.
3] I can read and listen to texts that describe people and pets, and determine how they look and what type of character they have.
4] I can write a description of my family or imaginary family, friends and pets using adjectives which describe character and physical characteristics, and forms of the verbs ‘ser, tener, llamarse, vivir’.
5] I can collaborate with others to prepare a questionnaire to inquire about the families, pets and friends of people in my class, and present the data collected.
2] I can ask others to describe themselves and members of their family, friends and pets using '¿Cómo es? ¿De qué color tiene el pelo/los ojos?'', emphasising adjective-noun agreement and position.
3] I can read and listen to texts that describe people and pets, and determine how they look and what type of character they have.

4] I can write a description of my family or imaginary family, friends and pets using adjectives which describe character and physical characteristics, and forms of the verbs ‘ser, tener, llamarse, vivir’.

5] I can collaborate with others to prepare a questionnaire to inquire about the families, pets and friends of people in my class, and present the data collected.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: School
1] I can identify classroom objects and ask what an object is using structures such as, '¿Qué es esto?, ´¿Cómo se dice ... en español?'
2] I can describe my classroom using the verb form 'hay' and emphasising article-noun agreement.
3] I can make requests in the classroom and ask for help in Spanish using ‘¿puedo?, perdón, ¿tiene usted? ¿tienes?, tengo un problema, puedes repetir, por favor, gracias, quiero'.
4] I can locate objects in the classroom and ask about the location of objects using demostrative adjectives, prepositions of place and the verb 'estar'.
5] I can make use of structures such as ‘está en la ciudad/en las afueras/en el campo/en la costa/en un pueblo'.
6] I can describe my school outlining its facilities and ask others about their school using vocabulary such as 'el edificio, el patio, una biblioteca, un comedor/una cafetería, un gimnasio'.
7] I can identify different subjects in my school and other people’s schools.
8] I can provide information about my timetable, specifying the time of my lessons, and ask others about the time of their classes, e.g. '¿A qué hora es la clase de inglés?, A las 8 00/los lunes tengo matemáticas, Y tú, ¿qué tienes a las ocho / los lunes?'
9] I can read texts about schools and subjects taught and determine differences between school routines in the local context and in Spain.
10] I can talk about my school routine and ask others about their routines, including time and times of day, using structures such as 'x veces a la/por semana/al día' and 'empezar/terminar a' with time phrases.
11] I can describe my subjects and ask others for their opinion about the subjects they study, maintaining a conversation with my peers.
12] I can collaborate with others using ICT and bilingual dictionaries to research schools and the school day in a Spanish-speaking country, and take part in a presentation of our findings in Spanish.
2] I can describe my classroom using the verb form 'hay' and emphasising article-noun agreement.
3] I can make requests in the classroom and ask for help in Spanish using ‘¿puedo?, perdón, ¿tiene usted? ¿tienes?, tengo un problema, puedes repetir, por favor, gracias, quiero'.

4] I can locate objects in the classroom and ask about the location of objects using demostrative adjectives, prepositions of place and the verb 'estar'.
5] I can make use of structures such as ‘está en la ciudad/en las afueras/en el campo/en la costa/en un pueblo'.
6] I can describe my school outlining its facilities and ask others about their school using vocabulary such as 'el edificio, el patio, una biblioteca, un comedor/una cafetería, un gimnasio'.
7] I can identify different subjects in my school and other people’s schools.
8] I can provide information about my timetable, specifying the time of my lessons, and ask others about the time of their classes, e.g. '¿A qué hora es la clase de inglés?, A las 8 00/los lunes tengo matemáticas, Y tú, ¿qué tienes a las ocho / los lunes?'
9] I can read texts about schools and subjects taught and determine differences between school routines in the local context and in Spain.

10] I can talk about my school routine and ask others about their routines, including time and times of day, using structures such as 'x veces a la/por semana/al día' and 'empezar/terminar a' with time phrases.
11] I can describe my subjects and ask others for their opinion about the subjects they study, maintaining a conversation with my peers.

12] I can collaborate with others using ICT and bilingual dictionaries to research schools and the school day in a Spanish-speaking country, and take part in a presentation of our findings in Spanish.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Opinions
1] I can say that I like, dislike or prefer certain animals, people in my family and school subjects, and use adjectives to say why, using connectors, e.g, 'porque, pero, también, y' and subjective adjectives of opinion, e.g. 'es majo/a, simpático/a, antipático/a, divertido/a', etc.
2] I can ask others about their likes and dislikes using vocabulary such as ‘¿Qué piensas de … ¿Te gusta(n)?, ¿Qué prefieres?, ¿Cuál es tu asignatura favorita/preferida / tu animal favorito/preferido?'
3] I can read texts and determine other people's likes and dislikes with regard to animals, family and school life, showing respect for different ideas and perspectives in society.
4] I can write a short text to inform others of my likes and dislikes and provide reasons for my preferences.
5] I can create a poster, using reusable material, in which I explain why I study Spanish and what I like about Spanish using structures such as 'Aprendo español porque, me gusta/no me gusta, me encanta'.

2] I can ask others about their likes and dislikes using vocabulary such as ‘¿Qué piensas de … ¿Te gusta(n)?, ¿Qué prefieres?, ¿Cuál es tu asignatura favorita/preferida / tu animal favorito/preferido?'

3] I can read texts and determine other people's likes and dislikes with regard to animals, family and school life, showing respect for different ideas and perspectives in society.

4] I can write a short text to inform others of my likes and dislikes and provide reasons for my preferences.

5] I can create a poster, using reusable material, in which I explain why I study Spanish and what I like about Spanish using structures such as 'Aprendo español porque, me gusta/no me gusta, me encanta'.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Home and home area
1] I can state where I live and situate it in a wider context using the verbs 'vivir' and 'estar' and situational vocabulary related to geographical locations, e.g. ‘en el norte, en el sur, en las afueras’.
2] I can describe the type of house I live in, list the different rooms in my house and name the things which can be found in these surroundings, such as furniture and appliances.
3] I can write short, descriptive texts about my own and other people’s houses.
4] I can describe my bedroom using prepositions of place, 'hay' and 'estar'.
5] I can read a series of adverts of an estate agent and determine the potential buyers depending on the description given, e.g. 'Este piso es adecuado para una persona que vive sola; Esta casa es adecuada para una familia numerosa.'
6] I can ask others where they live and what type of house they live in using '¿Dónde está/se encuentra exactamente?' and '¿En qué tipo de casa vives?'
7] I can name points of interest and facilities in my home area using vocabulary such as ‘En mi ciudad/pueblo hay una iglesia, un polideportivo, un parque, un colegio...'
8] I can identify different modes of transport in the local context, specifying the most convenient means in a particular situation, e.g. 'Para ir al colegio, cojo el autobús; Para ir al mercado voy en bici.'
9] I can work in collaboration with others to produce a poster which includes a short descriptive text about the main features and places of interest in my home area, such as 'En mi pueblo hay una iglesia, un parque...'
10] I can take part in conversations about what there is in my home area.
2] I can describe the type of house I live in, list the different rooms in my house and name the things which can be found in these surroundings, such as furniture and appliances.

3] I can write short, descriptive texts about my own and other people’s houses.
4] I can describe my bedroom using prepositions of place, 'hay' and 'estar'.
5] I can read a series of adverts of an estate agent and determine the potential buyers depending on the description given, e.g. 'Este piso es adecuado para una persona que vive sola; Esta casa es adecuada para una familia numerosa.'

6] I can ask others where they live and what type of house they live in using '¿Dónde está/se encuentra exactamente?' and '¿En qué tipo de casa vives?'
7] I can name points of interest and facilities in my home area using vocabulary such as ‘En mi ciudad/pueblo hay una iglesia, un polideportivo, un parque, un colegio...'

8] I can identify different modes of transport in the local context, specifying the most convenient means in a particular situation, e.g. 'Para ir al colegio, cojo el autobús; Para ir al mercado voy en bici.'

9] I can work in collaboration with others to produce a poster which includes a short descriptive text about the main features and places of interest in my home area, such as 'En mi pueblo hay una iglesia, un parque...'

10] I can take part in conversations about what there is in my home area.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Leisure time
1] I can talk about leisure activities which can be practised in my home area and ask others about such activities in their own home area.
2] I can talk about different sports and leisure activities with others, asking and talking about likes and dislikes, making reference to expressions such as ''¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? Me gusta/Me chifla/Me encanta..., Juego a..., Escucho música...'
3] I can ask and provide information about one's weekend activities using structures such as '¿Qué haces/te gusta hacer los fines de semana? Normalmente voy/practico/hago...'
4] I can identify where, when and with whom I carry out different leisure activities using structures such as´Toco la guitarra los miércoles por la tarde.'
5] I can provide information about my daily routine using expressions such as ´Por la mañana voy al colegio, por la tarde juego al fútbol y el sábado voy al cine´; and using adverbs of frequency such as 'normalmente, generalmente'.
6] I can ask someone about his/her daily routine e.g. '¿Qué haces por la mañana/tarde/noche?, ¿Qué día juegas al tenis/tocas la guitarra?'
7] I can read/listen to short, basic texts from a variety of sources to determine leisure activities and people’s preferences.
8] I can produce short texts describing what I do in my free time.
9] I can collaborate with others to research a leisure time activity in Spain such as ´la pelota, los castellets' and take part in presenting our findings in any format.
2] I can talk about different sports and leisure activities with others, asking and talking about likes and dislikes, making reference to expressions such as ''¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? Me gusta/Me chifla/Me encanta..., Juego a..., Escucho música...'

3] I can ask and provide information about one's weekend activities using structures such as '¿Qué haces/te gusta hacer los fines de semana? Normalmente voy/practico/hago...'
4] I can identify where, when and with whom I carry out different leisure activities using structures such as´Toco la guitarra los miércoles por la tarde.'
5] I can provide information about my daily routine using expressions such as ´Por la mañana voy al colegio, por la tarde juego al fútbol y el sábado voy al cine´; and using adverbs of frequency such as 'normalmente, generalmente'.

6] I can ask someone about his/her daily routine e.g. '¿Qué haces por la mañana/tarde/noche?, ¿Qué día juegas al tenis/tocas la guitarra?'
7] I can read/listen to short, basic texts from a variety of sources to determine leisure activities and people’s preferences.
8] I can produce short texts describing what I do in my free time.

9] I can collaborate with others to research a leisure time activity in Spain such as ´la pelota, los castellets' and take part in presenting our findings in any format.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Holidays
1] I can name in Spanish countries both in Europe and the wider world which are close and/or linked to Malta such as 'Italia, Inglaterra, Alemania, Francia, Libia' as well as the Spanish-speaking countries.
2] I can name the nationalities of the countries which are close and/or linked to Malta as well as of Spanish-speaking countries.
3] I can state which country I come from and where my relatives/friends/other people come from using the Presente de Indicativo of 'vivir' and 'ser' and the expression 'venir de'.
4] I can state which means of transport I need to travel to the countries which I like/where my relatives/friends live using phrases such as 'coger el avión, tomar el tren'.
5] I can list the main features of a Spanish-speaking city as portrayed in postcards, websites or brochures, such as location, population and places of interest.
6] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a poster/presentation about Malta and/or another country, highlighting the location, population, flag, capital city, other main cities and places of interest.
7] I can research and list key areas in a hotel such as 'recepción, ascensor, escalera, habitación'; services and facilities offered such as 'gimnasio, aparcamiento, caja de seguridad, conexión a Internet gratis'; and hotel personnel such as 'el camarero, el gerente, el cocinero, el recepcionista'.
8] I can ask personnel for information about hotel services and facilities interacting with the personnel, e.g. '¿Dónde está la piscina?, ¿Hay caja de seguridad en la habitación?, Necesito un taxi, ¿Me puede ayudar por favor?'
2] I can name the nationalities of the countries which are close and/or linked to Malta as well as of Spanish-speaking countries.
3] I can state which country I come from and where my relatives/friends/other people come from using the Presente de Indicativo of 'vivir' and 'ser' and the expression 'venir de'.
4] I can state which means of transport I need to travel to the countries which I like/where my relatives/friends live using phrases such as 'coger el avión, tomar el tren'.

5] I can list the main features of a Spanish-speaking city as portrayed in postcards, websites or brochures, such as location, population and places of interest.
6] In collaboration with others, I can prepare a poster/presentation about Malta and/or another country, highlighting the location, population, flag, capital city, other main cities and places of interest.

7] I can research and list key areas in a hotel such as 'recepción, ascensor, escalera, habitación'; services and facilities offered such as 'gimnasio, aparcamiento, caja de seguridad, conexión a Internet gratis'; and hotel personnel such as 'el camarero, el gerente, el cocinero, el recepcionista'.
8] I can ask personnel for information about hotel services and facilities interacting with the personnel, e.g. '¿Dónde está la piscina?, ¿Hay caja de seguridad en la habitación?, Necesito un taxi, ¿Me puede ayudar por favor?'
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Out and about
1] I can name in Spanish the most relevant currencies of the world, e.g. dólar, euro, libra.
2] I can name different types of shops and describe the location of specific shops in my area using prepositions e.g. 'La panadería está al lado de la carnicería. La papelería está enfrente de la farmacia.'
3] I can ask for help from a shop assistant and ask and state the price and/or size of an item, using numbers and the adverbs 'más/menos/demasiado' as modifiers of the adjective, e.g. ‘más/menos/demasiado grande’, ‘más/ menos/demasiado caro’.
4] I can express preferences and likes in a boutique using the demonstratives and structures such as 'Me gusta el azul, ¿Tiene camisetas rojas?'
5] I can state what I am buying and ask about payment methods available using e.g. 'Me llevo este, ¿Cuánto es en total?, ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta/en efectivo?'
6] I can discuss with others and describe the clothes we like to wear and the garments we choose for particular occasions/times of year/weather conditions using expressions such as ´Cuando hace frío/salgo con mis amigos, llevo…', together with nouns and adjectives related to clothing such as´pantalones, vestido elegante, camisa a rayas, gorro negro'.
7] I can write a short text describing what I like and do not like to wear using verbs such as 'gustar, encantar, preferir', e.g. 'No me gustan los zapatos de tacón porque son incómodos. Me encantan los vaqueros y también las minifaldas.'
8] I can design a plan with others to organise a party, showing that I can demonstrate an understanding of and use words and phrases related to parties such as ´preparar una tarta, traer bebidas, organizar una fiesta de cumpleaños, invitar a a amigos, elegir la música'.
9] I can design a card to invite my friends to a party to celebrate a special date, taking into consideration other alternatives such as e-cards.
2] I can name different types of shops and describe the location of specific shops in my area using prepositions e.g. 'La panadería está al lado de la carnicería. La papelería está enfrente de la farmacia.'
3] I can ask for help from a shop assistant and ask and state the price and/or size of an item, using numbers and the adverbs 'más/menos/demasiado' as modifiers of the adjective, e.g. ‘más/menos/demasiado grande’, ‘más/ menos/demasiado caro’.
4] I can express preferences and likes in a boutique using the demonstratives and structures such as 'Me gusta el azul, ¿Tiene camisetas rojas?'
5] I can state what I am buying and ask about payment methods available using e.g. 'Me llevo este, ¿Cuánto es en total?, ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta/en efectivo?'
6] I can discuss with others and describe the clothes we like to wear and the garments we choose for particular occasions/times of year/weather conditions using expressions such as ´Cuando hace frío/salgo con mis amigos, llevo…', together with nouns and adjectives related to clothing such as´pantalones, vestido elegante, camisa a rayas, gorro negro'.

7] I can write a short text describing what I like and do not like to wear using verbs such as 'gustar, encantar, preferir', e.g. 'No me gustan los zapatos de tacón porque son incómodos. Me encantan los vaqueros y también las minifaldas.'

8] I can design a plan with others to organise a party, showing that I can demonstrate an understanding of and use words and phrases related to parties such as ´preparar una tarta, traer bebidas, organizar una fiesta de cumpleaños, invitar a a amigos, elegir la música'.

9] I can design a card to invite my friends to a party to celebrate a special date, taking into consideration other alternatives such as e-cards.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Healthy living
1] I can name key body parts such as 'cabeza, mano, pie, hombros, espalda'.
2] I can state that I am feeling unwell, specifying the problem using the verb 'doler' in expressions such as 'Me duele la barriga, la cabeza; Me los duelen los pies, los ojos.'
3] I can ask others about how they are feeling using expressions such as '¿Cómo te sientes?, ¿Te sientes bien?, ¿Qué te pasa?'
4] I can name different sports/physical exercises that I do/can do to keep fit, e.g. 'Para mantenerme en forma voy al gimnasio / hago yoga / juego al tenis.'
5] I can understand and give simple instructions to do physical exercises using the Imperativo Afirmativo of regular verbs such as 'levanta el brazo, estira las piernas'.
6] I can read simple texts and identify the main characteristics of popular sports such as 'fútbol, baloncesto, automovilismo' and physical activities such as, 'zumba, yoga'.
7] I can write a text to describe the main characteristics of the sports/physical activity that I practise, including information about when, with whom and why I enjoy doing this activity, e.g. 'Juego al fútbol los viernes con mis amigos en el polideportivo de mi pueblo. Es muy divertido y me hace sentir muy bien.'
8] I can collaborate with others to produce a poster highlighting the benefits of physical exercise, using expressions such as 'sentirse bien, tener mejor salud, tener menos dolores de cabeza, tener más energía.'
2] I can state that I am feeling unwell, specifying the problem using the verb 'doler' in expressions such as 'Me duele la barriga, la cabeza; Me los duelen los pies, los ojos.'
3] I can ask others about how they are feeling using expressions such as '¿Cómo te sientes?, ¿Te sientes bien?, ¿Qué te pasa?'
4] I can name different sports/physical exercises that I do/can do to keep fit, e.g. 'Para mantenerme en forma voy al gimnasio / hago yoga / juego al tenis.'

5] I can understand and give simple instructions to do physical exercises using the Imperativo Afirmativo of regular verbs such as 'levanta el brazo, estira las piernas'.
6] I can read simple texts and identify the main characteristics of popular sports such as 'fútbol, baloncesto, automovilismo' and physical activities such as, 'zumba, yoga'.
7] I can write a text to describe the main characteristics of the sports/physical activity that I practise, including information about when, with whom and why I enjoy doing this activity, e.g. 'Juego al fútbol los viernes con mis amigos en el polideportivo de mi pueblo. Es muy divertido y me hace sentir muy bien.'

8] I can collaborate with others to produce a poster highlighting the benefits of physical exercise, using expressions such as 'sentirse bien, tener mejor salud, tener menos dolores de cabeza, tener más energía.'

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Technology
1] I can recognise personal information about people (name, surname, nationality, home town, profession and interests) on a social media website and give my personal details to set up my own profile using the Spanish version of any social media website available.
2] I can use an online bilingual dictionary effectively to name different technological devices such as 'ordenador, tableta, móvil, iPod, pizarra interactiva, cámaras de CCTV', and computer peripherals such as 'ratón, impresora, altavoces'.
3] I can use technology (including the Internet) to connect with native Spanish speakers to exchange information and opinions about lifestyles and routines.

2] I can use an online bilingual dictionary effectively to name different technological devices such as 'ordenador, tableta, móvil, iPod, pizarra interactiva, cámaras de CCTV', and computer peripherals such as 'ratón, impresora, altavoces'.

3] I can use technology (including the Internet) to connect with native Spanish speakers to exchange information and opinions about lifestyles and routines.

Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Citizenship
1] I can research and speak about my town/village and highlight aspects of its local culture such as population, coat of arms, village feast and other local celebrations; and prepare a mural, individually or working with others, to summarise all the findings.
Learning Area Outcome: All the Learning Area Outcomes are covered in this section
Subject Focus: Food and drink
1] I can identify and name items of food and drinks served in cafés and casual dining restaurants such as 'tapas, sopa, pescado, hamburguesa, café, batido, agua mineral, cerveza'.
2] I can request a table in a restaurant etc., e.g. 'Una mesa para tres personas, por favor.'
3] I can request a menu using expressions such as '¿Me trae el menú, por favor?, ¿Tiene la carta, por favor?'
4] I can read a basic menu in Spanish and identify popular dishes (e.g. gazpacho, tortilla de patatas, paella, arroz con leche) as 'primer plato', 'segundo plato'' and 'postre'', and distinguish between 'la carta' and 'el menú del día'.
5] I can order food and drinks in a café or restaurant using expressions such as 'Para mí..., Quiero..., Quisiera..., ¿Tiene/s...?, Voy a tomar/beber..., Tomo...', and attract the waiter´s attention using '¡Disculpe! Señor/señorita, Oiga camarero...'
6] I can ask for and pay the bill using expressions such as ''La cuenta por favor, ¿Cuánto es en total?, Aquí tiene una propina.'
7] I can identify and name different food/drink shops in my area and describe what they sell, e.g. ´En la carnicería se venden hamburguesas; En la frutería venden huevos, frutas y verduras.'
8] I can buy items of food and drink using expressions such as 'Quiero..., Quisiera..., Tiene(s)..., ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?,¿Cuánto es?, Dame… por favor, gracias', and use language related to quantities such as 'una caja de…, una lata de…, una botella de…, un trozo/pedazo de…'
9] I can discuss with others what I eat during the day using vocabulary related to food and drink, adverbs of time, expressions of routine such as ‘Normalmente, cada día / mañana / tarde, todos los días’, and make use of the negatives when necessary, such as 'no/nunca/nada'.
10] I can research gastronomic specialities of Spain and prepare a presentation highlighting the region of origin and the main ingredients.
2] I can request a table in a restaurant etc., e.g. 'Una mesa para tres personas, por favor.'
3] I can request a menu using expressions such as '¿Me trae el menú, por favor?, ¿Tiene la carta, por favor?'
4] I can read a basic menu in Spanish and identify popular dishes (e.g. gazpacho, tortilla de patatas, paella, arroz con leche) as 'primer plato', 'segundo plato'' and 'postre'', and distinguish between 'la carta' and 'el menú del día'.
5] I can order food and drinks in a café or restaurant using expressions such as 'Para mí..., Quiero..., Quisiera..., ¿Tiene/s...?, Voy a tomar/beber..., Tomo...', and attract the waiter´s attention using '¡Disculpe! Señor/señorita, Oiga camarero...'
6] I can ask for and pay the bill using expressions such as ''La cuenta por favor, ¿Cuánto es en total?, Aquí tiene una propina.'
7] I can identify and name different food/drink shops in my area and describe what they sell, e.g. ´En la carnicería se venden hamburguesas; En la frutería venden huevos, frutas y verduras.'
8] I can buy items of food and drink using expressions such as 'Quiero..., Quisiera..., Tiene(s)..., ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?,¿Cuánto es?, Dame… por favor, gracias', and use language related to quantities such as 'una caja de…, una lata de…, una botella de…, un trozo/pedazo de…'
9] I can discuss with others what I eat during the day using vocabulary related to food and drink, adverbs of time, expressions of routine such as ‘Normalmente, cada día / mañana / tarde, todos los días’, and make use of the negatives when necessary, such as 'no/nunca/nada'.

10] I can research gastronomic specialities of Spain and prepare a presentation highlighting the region of origin and the main ingredients.