Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Unit: 3. Equality, Diversity and Rights
Health and Social Care
Learning Outcome: 1. I can describe the concept of diversity underpinning the health and social care sector.

Social Factors: e.g. culture, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexuality, age, family structure, social class, geographical location, ideology.
Biological factors: e.g. physical disability, learning disability, mental health problems.

Discriminatory practices : e.g. stereotyping, labelling, prejudice, bullying, access to services, access to employment.

Effects of Discrimination: e.g. anger/aggressiveness, low self-esteem, guilt/shame, sadness, poor mental health, disempowerment, feelings of not belonging, restricted opportunities, deviant behaviour, loss of rights.

Learning Outcome: 2. I can understand the role of legislation and organisations in promoting equality.

Welfare State and Welfare Mix: legislation; delivery of health and social care services; distribution of wealth.

Legislation: e.g.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
- The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability,
- Convention relating to the Status of Refugees,
- Constitution of Malta,
- Equality between Men and Women Act,
- Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disability Act),
- Mental Health Act,
- Care Order Act,
- Domestic Violence Act,
- Civil Code,
- Civil Unions Act,
- Adoption Administration Act,
- Fostering Act.

Services: e.g.
- Services for children e.g. residential homes, Office of the Commissioner for Children, childcare centres
- Services for persons with disability e.g. Agenzija Sapport, Dar tal- Providenza, Arka Foundation
- Services for the LGBTQI e.g. MGRM, Drachma
Services for people with mental health problems e.g. Richmond Foundation, Mount Carmel Hospital, Dar Victoria- Services for people with addictions e.g. San Blas - Caritas, Agenzija Sedqa, Oasis
- Services for the Elderly e.g. St Vincent de Paule, Residential homes, rehabilitation centres
- Services for the homeless e.g. YMCA, Dar Tereza Spinelli, Dar Leopoldo
- Services for people who are victims of abuse e.g. Dar Merhba Bik, Ghabex, Child Protection Services - Agenzija Appogg
- Services for people with social problems e.g. Agenzjia Appogg, St Jeanne Antide Foundation, Caritas

Professionals working with service-users: e.g. nurses, doctors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, probation officers, care workers, physiotherapists, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, youth and community workers.

Learning Outcome: 3. I can understand the care workers' responsibilities in order to promote the rights of service-users.

Individual Rights: e.g. respect, equal treatment, treated as an individual, treated with dignity, allowed privacy, safeguarded from danger and harm, allowed access to information about themselves, able to communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language, supported in a way that meets their needs and takes account of their choices.

Professional responsibilities: e.g. Provision of active support, advocacy, support diversity/inclusion, promote equality of opportunity, confidentiality, effective communication, views and preferences, accurate recording, storage and retrieval of information.
Learning Outcome: 4. I can explain the core values and principles required in the health and social care sector.

Values: e.g. altruism, ambition, adaptability, calmness, cheerfulness, commitment, compassion, courage, courtesy, empathy, fairness, generosity, health, honesty, hard work, positivity, obedience, self- control, reliability.

Values: e.g. service, social justice, the dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence.

Principles: the 6 principles in the Code of Practice for Social Service Workers.