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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Education for Democracy

Social Studies > LEVEL 9

Learning Area Outcome: I am a critical thinker and can enquire through different sources of information in order to reach well informed, rational, justified and ethical conclusions in an ongoing self-reflective process that includes re-evaluation of my own views.

Subject Focus: ​The Self within Society (Social Studies General)

1] I can state connection/s, between past and present socio-economic, cultural events and contexts and the way/s people develop and express their selves: including the colonisation of the Maltese Islands by the British Empire tied to historical and present engagement with the English language in Malta; the link between capitalism and the consumerist aspect of our identity.

Learning Area Outcome: I am a critical thinker and can enquire through different sources of information in order to reach well-informed, rational, justified and ethical conclusions in an on-going self-reflective process that includes re-evaluation of my own views.

Subject Focus: ​The Self within Society (Social Studies Option)

1] I can explain congruencies and contradictions that co-exist in my self and others. 
2] I can explain how congruencies and contradictions affect how we develop and express our selves, including prejudice, racial stereotypes and xenophobia.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to work creatively and cooperatively within my school and local community to improve the lives of others.

Subject Focus: Populations, Development and Environments (Social Studies General)

1] I can state connection/s between past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts and the way/s populations have/are developed/ing including the impact of civil wars, in Africa and the Middle East, on migration; the impact of past and present immigration in the Maltese Islands; multiculturalism/ ageing population/ precarious employment; the impact of mass emigration of Maltese people to Australia/Canada/Europe in the 50’s/60’s and national brain/skill drain; the impact of economic recession/boom on migration; the impact of migration of Maltese people to European countries upon accession to EU in 2004.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to work creatively and cooperatively within my school and local community to improve the lives of others.

Subject Focus: Populations, Development and Environments (Social Studies Option)

1] I can explain congruencies and contradictions that are connected to how populations have/are developed/ing including how the same individual/society may support animal welfare and sustainablity yet leave a carbon footprint.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.

Subject Focus: Social Groups and Social Institutions (Social Studies General) 

1] I can state connection/s between, past and present, natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts and the way/s local, national and international social groups and institutions have/are developed/ing including asylum-seeking and the foundation and operations of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Malta and other United Nations signatory states.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.

Subject Focus: Social Groups and Social Institutions (Social Studies Option)

1] I can explain congruencies and contradictions that are connected to the dynamics of social groups and institutions including freedom of association in a country's legal system and releate it to the establishment of social movements; forbidding employees from joining a trade union and relate this to the right for freedom of association.

Learning Area Outcome: I can identify the political processes of participation, representation, campaigning for change and decision-making and I know how to take part in these democratic processes in my school, including the Students’ Council and everyday life. I explore and evaluate local and global social, economic, political and environmental issues of both the past and the present. 

Subject Focus: Power and Politics (Social Studies General)

1] I can state connection/s between past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts and select power structures and politics that form part of my local, national and international contexts including climate change, EU accession and green legislation in Malta e.g. consumption of plastic bags and unleaded fuel.
2] I can explain the separation of powers and identify the relevant structures namely in the following legislative including the Maltese Parliament; executive including cabinet, the Police corps and the Army; judiciary including law courts.
3] I can explain what a policy is in terms of a formal documented agreement that explains how resources are to be administered.
4] I can give examples of community, national and international policies including the school policy which explains what I am entitled to and the imposed limits e.g. school hours, freedom of expression in the way I dress, etc.

Learning Area Outcome: I can identify the basic political processes of participation, representation, campaigning for change and decision-making and I know how to take part in these democratic processes in my school, including the Students’ Council and everyday life.

Subject Focus: Power and Politics (Social Studies Option)

1] I can explain the difference between government and governance.
2] I can list examples of government and governance in my local, national and international contexts
including the Maltese Parliament.
3] I can explain what the constitution is.
4] I can explain the concept of power including the distinction between legitimate authority and illegitimate power. 

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world. 

Subject Focus: Globalisation and Global Connections (Social Studies General)

1] I can explain dynamics/processes implied in globalised production, distribution, consumption and waste disposal including Western multinational countries offshoring production to Eastern countries and/or disposing of industrial waste in less developed countries.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world. 

Subject Focus: Globalisation and Global Connections (Social Studies Option)

1] I can research information about social groups and select populations that form part of the local, national and international community.
2] I can suggest alternative ways for social groups and populations in local, national and international community, to engage with globalisation and global connections including developed countries' subsidies for greener economic development in less developed countries.

Learning Area Outcome: I undertake to empathise and keep an open mind in situations of disagreement, controversy and conflict whilst acknowledging my convictions and biases e.g. political, cultural, religious, economic, sexual, gender, age. I understand how learning about the humanities can enrich my experience and understanding of the world and how it can be of value throughout my life. 

Subject Focus: Culture (Social Studies General)

1] I can state connection/s between past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts that form part of the local, national and international community including being a citizen of the EU as a result of Malta's accession as an EU member-state in 2004.

Learning Area Outcome: I undertake to empathise and keep an open mind in situations of disagreement, controversy and conflict whilst acknowledging my convictions and biases e.g. political, cultural, religious, economic, sexual, gender, age.

Subject Focus: Culture (Social Studies Option)

1] I can develop a cultural project, in collaboration with my class and school e.g. an exhibition/play/show exibited/performed at the school/ Local Council to engage the audience.

Learning Area Outcome: I understand that democratic values as enshrined in the Constitution of Malta and international documents are vulnerable to different hostile threats. As a result, I undertake to protect democracy as a legacy for future generations by promoting and supporting such values where and when they are threatened. ​ I explore and evaluate similarity and difference and change and continuity in both the past and the present. 

Subject Focus: Social Change (Social Studies General)

1] I can explain connections between past and present socio-economic and cultural aspects of social change in my immediate and broader community including the nuclear family and urbanisation and how these are instances of social change which connect to the socio-economic pheomenon of the Industrial Revolution.

Learning Area Outcome: I explore and evaluate similarity and difference and change and continuity in both the past and the present. 

Subject Focus: Social Change (Social Studies Option)

1] I can suggest alternative ways to show how social groups, populations and geographic areas that form part of the local, national and international community are affected by select instances of social change.

Learning Area Outcome: I can list and explain my inalienable human rights and how these are circumscribed by the rights of others.

Subject Focus: Crime, Deviance and Social Control (Social Studies General)

1] I can state connections between past and present laws, regulations, norms, socio-economic and cultural aspects that form part of the local, national and international community including how apartheid legally limited the rights and freedoms of black people in South Africa e.g. not having the right to vote until 1993.

Learning Area Outcome: I can list and explain my inalienable human rights and how these are circumscribed by the rights of others.

Subject Focus: Crime, Deviance and Social Control (Social Studies Option)

1] I can suggest alternative ways for social groups and select populations that form part of the local, national and international community to engage with crime, deviance and social control including decriminalisation of certain drugs.

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