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Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment

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Learning Area: Education for Democracy

Social Studies > LEVEL 10

Learning Area Outcome: I am a critical thinker and can enquire through different sources of information in order to reach well informed, rational, justified and ethical conclusions in an ongoing self-reflective process that includes re-evaluation of my own views.

Subject Focus: ​The Self within Society (Social Studies General)

1] I can question past and present socio-economic, cultural events and contexts to critique how and why my self and that of others have/are developed/ing and manifest themselves the way they do.
2] I can imagine, discuss and question alternatives including what could and would happen if people would give less/more relevance to the use of one language, as opposed to another language, when engaging with others.

Learning Area Outcome: I am a critical thinker and can enquire through different sources of information in order to reach well-informed, rational, justified and ethical conclusions in an on-going self-reflective process that includes re-evaluation of my own views.

Subject Focus: ​The Self within Society (Social Studies Option)

1] I can evaluate and research the extent to which we engage with local, national and global contexts, using secondary data or research amongst the local community.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to work creatively and cooperatively within my school and local community to improve the lives of others.

Subject Focus: Populations, Development and Environments (Social Studies General)

1] I can question and critique past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts to explain how and why populations have/are developed/ing including how or why some people choose to migrate from their home country, in regular and irregular manners.
2] I can question and critique 
to what extent a national census adequately describes a population. 
3] I can imagine, discuss and question alternatives including what could and/or would happen if people engaged differently with population size e.g. argue/campaign for/against increased birth rates; composition of population e.g. argue/campaign for/against ethnic diversity; engagement with natural/social environments e.g. argue/campaign for/against increased/enforced private car-free days.

Learning Area Outcome: I am able to work creatively and cooperatively within my school and local community to improve the lives of others.

Subject Focus: Populations, Development and Environments (Social Studies Option)

1] I can evaluate the extent of connections between select population development trends/projects and environments that feature in my local, national and international community.
2] I can carry out
 basic research including looking up secondary data in the local community, about the national census to distinguish facts from opinion in relation to: population growth; the causes and consequences of urbanisation in Malta e.g. when compared to another country in Europe or the world; reasons for internal migration in Malta, relating it to cost of property e.g. in comparison to another country in Europe or the world. 

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.

Subject Focus: Social Groups and Social Institutions (Social Studies General) 

1] I can question and critique past and present, natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts to explain how and why local, national and international social groups and institutions have/are developed/ing.
2. I can question and critique strengths and weaknesses of policies including detention-period, burden-sharing and push-back, within the European Union, as a response to irregular migration;
 the reasons for un/welcoming irregular migrants; the validity of arguments for/against welcoming irregular migrants.
3] I can imagine, discuss and question alternatives including the strengths and weaknesses of changing/removing policies including detention-period, burden-sharing and push-back within the European Union as a response to irregular migration.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world.

Subject Focus: Social Groups and Social Institutions (Social Studies Option)

1] I can evaluate the extent to which select social groups and social institutions are engaging with my local, national and international community in social and global contexts
2] I can carry out basic research including looking up secondary data in the local community, about census/statistical data for specific social groups e.g. single parents, divorced/separated people, people living in dwellings with/out certain amentities/facilities and compare this with European and global trends.

Learning Area Outcome: I can identify the political processes of participation, representation, campaigning for change and decision-making and I know how to take part in these democratic processes in my school, including the Students’ Council and everyday life. I explore and evaluate local and global social, economic, political and environmental issues of both the past and the present. 

Subject Focus: Power and Politics (Social Studies General)

1] I can question and critique past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts to describe how and why power structures and politics have/are developed/ing including reasons for Western democratic governments to intervene in Middle Eastern/North African politics/crises.
2] I can imagine, discuss and question alternatives including increased/decreased reliance on alternative energy and explain how this would affect Western democracies' interest in intervention in Middle Eastern and African politics/crises; how changes towards secularisation in Middle Eastern and African countries would affect Western democracies.

Learning Area Outcome: I can identify the basic political processes of participation, representation, campaigning for change and decision-making and I know how to take part in these democratic processes in my school, including the Students’ Council and everyday life.

Subject Focus: Power and Politics (Social Studies Option)

1] I can evaluate/assess actions of a legislative, executive or judiciary entity/role incumbent, to establish if such actions are within the limits, short of or beyond their authority.
2] I can evaluate the extent to which select power and political structures and/or role incumbents are engaging with my local, national, international, social and global contexts
3] I can carry out basic research in the local community, including  researching referenda in Malta e.g. EU Accession, Divorce, Spring-Hunting.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world. 

Subject Focus: Globalisation and Global Connections (Social Studies General)

1] I can critically question past and present natural, socio-economic and cultural global connections to attempt answering how and why globalisation has/is/will be developed/ing or manifested/ing itself through availability and consumption of products bought in Malta or online, lifestyle and culture change e.g. Halloween; the importation of second-hand cars and other products.
2] I can imagine, discuss and question alternatives including how green jobs would affect economies and/or the natural, social and cultural enviornment.

Learning Area Outcome: I reflect upon and explore my Maltese identity and the relationships between diversity and identity in Malta, Europe and the world. 

Subject Focus: Globalisation and Global Connections (Social Studies Option)

1] I can evaluate the extent to which social groups and select populations that form part of my local, national and international community are engaging with globalisation and global connections.
2] I can carry out basic research including looking up secondary data in the local community, about the extent to which social groups and select populations are engaging with globalisation and global connections.

Learning Area Outcome: I undertake to empathise and keep an open mind in situations of disagreement, controversy and conflict whilst acknowledging my convictions and biases e.g. political, cultural, religious, economic, sexual, gender, age. I understand how learning about the humanities can enrich my experience and understanding of the world and how it can be of value throughout my life. 

Subject Focus: Culture (Social Studies General)

1] I can question and critique past and present natural, socio-economic, cultural events and contexts to draw connections of cultural aspects from the local, national and international community which have/are developed/ing including the lifestyle within a Maltese traditional village compared to a multicultural area in Malta.
2] I can imagine, disucss and question alternatives including 
why governments filter internet access to stop online piracy and child pornography; why an artist's income depends on income generated from the selling of artistic artefacts; why an artistic artefact can be something that is bought and/or sold.

Learning Area Outcome: I undertake to empathise and keep an open mind in situations of disagreement, controversy and conflict whilst acknowledging my convictions and biases e.g. political, cultural, religious, economic, sexual, gender, age.

Subject Focus: Culture (Social Studies Option)

1] I can evaluate the extent to which social groups and select populations that form part of my local, national and international community, social and global context, are engaging with culture.
2] I can carry out basic research including looking up secondary data in the local community, about the extent to which social groups and select populations are engaging with culture.

Learning Area Outcome: I understand that democratic values as enshrined in the Constitution of Malta and international documents are vulnerable to different hostile threats. As a result, I undertake to protect democracy as a legacy for future generations by promoting and supporting such values where and when they are threatened. ​ I explore and evaluate similarity and difference and change and continuity in both the past and the present. 

Subject Focus: Social Change (Social Studies General)

1] I can question and critique past and present natural, socio-economic and cultural events and explain the connection of instances of social change
and why they manifest/ed themselves the way they do/did.

2] I can imagine, discuss and question alternatives.

Learning Area Outcome: I explore and evaluate similarity and difference and change and continuity in both the past and the present. 

Subject Focus: Social Change (Social Studies Option)

1] I can evaluate the extent to which social groups, populations and geographic areas that form part of the local, national and international community are affected by select instances/aspects of social change.
2] I can carry out basic research including looking up secondary data in the local community, about the extent to which social groups, populations and geographic areas are affected by select instances/aspects of social change.

Learning Area Outcome: I can list and explain my inalienable human rights and how these are circumscribed by the rights of others.

Subject Focus: Crime, Deviance and Social Control (Social Studies General)

1] I can question and critique past and present manifestations and interpretations of crime, deviance and social control including the reasons behind detaining irregular migrants arriving in Malta, in detention centres and possible alternatives; the social consequence of detention; international law; the reasons behind the law of death penalty in some US states; the reasons behind the recognition of alternative reproductive rights; if a significant number of inmates of Malta's correctional facility are repeat offenders; if the correctional facility system is failing; if the time taken for systems to prove if a person is guilty are adequate.
2] I can imagine, discuss and question alternatives.

Learning Area Outcome: I can list and explain my inalienable human rights and how these are circumscribed by the rights of others.

Subject Focus: Crime, Deviance and Social Control (Social Studies Option)

1] I can look up a sentence/verdict issued by the Maltese Law Courts.
2] I can evaluate the extent of manifestations of crime, deviance and social control in my 
local, national and international community, social and global context.
3] I can carry out basic research including looking up secondary data in the local community, about the extent of manifestations of crime, deviance and social control.

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