Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Languages
Maltese > LEVEL 5
Subject Focus: Speech in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can be heard when I talk and be understood thanks to good pronunciation and intonation, with emphasis where necessary.
2] I can ask for things in the appropriate way to be able to tend to my basic day-to-day needs by using the simple forms of conversation in different familiar and formal situations, such as when I ask for things to my family and other people.
3] I can speak in general using an appropriate range of vocabulary about familiar subjects that are of interest to me by using personal pronouns, attached pronouns (pronomi mehmużin), matching gender and quantity with the nouns and verbs I use in the correct and appropriate way and by using the correct form of the positive adjective.
4] I can communicate a simple message orally without leaving anything essential out.
5] I can pose questions and requests with correct grammatical and syntactic structures by using interrogative pronouns and other words, in an educated and polite manner, to acquire the information I need from someone I know, such as when I ask something to someone during a class activity and beyond.
6] I can answer questions to show that I understood what I have heard, both from factual as well as literary texts, and I can talk about them.
7] I can use mathematical, scientific and technological language in everyday conversations, for example when I say the numbers, speak about simple forms and elementary scientific concepts, weight and measure, and say the time.
8] I can use simple and direct words to give easy and clear instructions and directions related to my life and experiences in the environments I am in, such as at home or in class.
9] I can use expressions to greet, both orally and through gestures, in my everyday life and in the appropriate instances and contexts depending on my audience.
10] I can talk about myself, my family and the environment I live in and how time is divided into years, seasons, months, days and time of day.
11] I can use the imperative to give directions and instructions.
12] I can use the perfect and the imperfect tenses when I'm using my own words to tell a short story I would have heard or to describe the main character and setting of a story.
13] After hearing or reading literary and factual texts, I can re-tell them / sing them / play them out to show that I liked them and I understood them.
14] I can add and do small changes according to my tastes to literary texts that I have heard like songs, rhymes, stories, poems, tales and the rest.
15] I can predict an ending that I feel is appropriate to stories, poems and rhymes that I have heard starting and developing.
16] I can take part in discussions in small groups, where I express my opinions and feelings in correct grammatical and syntactic, structures, according to the vocabulary range of my age and with a correct intonation, where necessary.
17] I can take part in discussions without too many fillers and hesitations and take part not only through speech but also with a number of signs, non-verbal gestures, other paralinguistic characteristics like emphasis on key words and changes in rhythm depending on the subject.
18] I can listen to the opinions of others while waiting and give mine when it's my turn.
19] I know there are words that can hurt other people's feelings and I can avoid them during a discussion to keep a positive attitude.
20] I can control the volume of my voice according to the context, the place and the situation I am in.
21] In conversations with my friends, I am conscious of linguistic diversity, like for example, of words we use in the main languages we know (among them the languages of foreign students) to mean the same thing.

2] I can ask for things in the appropriate way to be able to tend to my basic day-to-day needs by using the simple forms of conversation in different familiar and formal situations, such as when I ask for things to my family and other people.
3] I can speak in general using an appropriate range of vocabulary about familiar subjects that are of interest to me by using personal pronouns, attached pronouns (pronomi mehmużin), matching gender and quantity with the nouns and verbs I use in the correct and appropriate way and by using the correct form of the positive adjective.
4] I can communicate a simple message orally without leaving anything essential out.
5] I can pose questions and requests with correct grammatical and syntactic structures by using interrogative pronouns and other words, in an educated and polite manner, to acquire the information I need from someone I know, such as when I ask something to someone during a class activity and beyond.

6] I can answer questions to show that I understood what I have heard, both from factual as well as literary texts, and I can talk about them.
7] I can use mathematical, scientific and technological language in everyday conversations, for example when I say the numbers, speak about simple forms and elementary scientific concepts, weight and measure, and say the time.
8] I can use simple and direct words to give easy and clear instructions and directions related to my life and experiences in the environments I am in, such as at home or in class.

9] I can use expressions to greet, both orally and through gestures, in my everyday life and in the appropriate instances and contexts depending on my audience.

10] I can talk about myself, my family and the environment I live in and how time is divided into years, seasons, months, days and time of day.
11] I can use the imperative to give directions and instructions.
12] I can use the perfect and the imperfect tenses when I'm using my own words to tell a short story I would have heard or to describe the main character and setting of a story.
13] After hearing or reading literary and factual texts, I can re-tell them / sing them / play them out to show that I liked them and I understood them.

14] I can add and do small changes according to my tastes to literary texts that I have heard like songs, rhymes, stories, poems, tales and the rest.

15] I can predict an ending that I feel is appropriate to stories, poems and rhymes that I have heard starting and developing.
16] I can take part in discussions in small groups, where I express my opinions and feelings in correct grammatical and syntactic, structures, according to the vocabulary range of my age and with a correct intonation, where necessary.

17] I can take part in discussions without too many fillers and hesitations and take part not only through speech but also with a number of signs, non-verbal gestures, other paralinguistic characteristics like emphasis on key words and changes in rhythm depending on the subject.
18] I can listen to the opinions of others while waiting and give mine when it's my turn.

19] I know there are words that can hurt other people's feelings and I can avoid them during a discussion to keep a positive attitude.

20] I can control the volume of my voice according to the context, the place and the situation I am in.
21] In conversations with my friends, I am conscious of linguistic diversity, like for example, of words we use in the main languages we know (among them the languages of foreign students) to mean the same thing.

Subject Focus: Listening in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can understand different statements, both positive and negative, that express reasons or opinions like 'Jien immur l-iskola kuljum biex niltaqa' ma' sħabi' (I go to school everyday to meet my friends), 'Jien ma nħobbx niekol il-ħelu għax mhux tajjeb għas-saħħa' (I don't like eating sweets because they're unhealthy).
2] I can quickly understand specific points/details when someone is talking to me or to others in a dialogue or short conversation.
3] I can make a distinction between different tones when a story is being told.
4] I can understand a joke, dialogue, story and the rest, and I can react to it verbally, in writing or with gestures.
5] I can understand simple instructions in the structure and vocabulary that I am given in my everyday life, including in the positive and negative Imperative, like for example 'Kul għal qalbek' (Enjoy your food), or 'Taqsamx it-triq' (Don't cross the road).
6] I can understand a simple notice/s given verbally and related to my life and my surroundings that include the date, the time and other easy details, like 'Nhar it-Tnejn 10 ta' Novembru se mmorru ħarġa ma' tal-iskola' (On Monday the 10th November we are going on a school outing).
7] I can understand simple directions that I hear in my everyday life and around me, including how to get from one place to another in the same building or somewhere close to where you live, like 'Itla' fuq u dur fuq il-lemin' (Go upstairs and turn on the right), 'Itla' fl-ewwel sular u idħol fil-kamra tax-xellug' (Go to the first floor and go into the room on your left).
8] I can listen to, follow and understand short excerpts about subjects I am familiar with that contain information that I can learn from, like an informative piece that the teacher or classmates read or that I hear/see on the media and the internet.
9] I can listen to and understand a short and simple advert about an object/place related to my everyday life and my surroundings, like an advert for a toy, computer or place of entertainment.
10] I can listen to a short story and show what I have understood from it through verbal means, in writing or through gestures.
11] I can listen to and follow songs / poems / rhymes / tongue-twisters and show what I have understood from them through verbal means, in writing or through gestures, and I can mention examples of rhyme.
12] I can listen to and follow a short play and show what I have understood from it through verbal means, in writing or through gestures.
13] I can listen to and understand mathematical, scientific and technological language that I use in my everyday life like numbers, simple shapes, measurements, weight and the time.
14] I can understand the meaning of simple language that shows feeling and opinion.
15] I can understand simple questions that I am asked and I can answer them orally, in writing or by gestures.
2] I can quickly understand specific points/details when someone is talking to me or to others in a dialogue or short conversation.

3] I can make a distinction between different tones when a story is being told.
4] I can understand a joke, dialogue, story and the rest, and I can react to it verbally, in writing or with gestures.

5] I can understand simple instructions in the structure and vocabulary that I am given in my everyday life, including in the positive and negative Imperative, like for example 'Kul għal qalbek' (Enjoy your food), or 'Taqsamx it-triq' (Don't cross the road).
6] I can understand a simple notice/s given verbally and related to my life and my surroundings that include the date, the time and other easy details, like 'Nhar it-Tnejn 10 ta' Novembru se mmorru ħarġa ma' tal-iskola' (On Monday the 10th November we are going on a school outing).
7] I can understand simple directions that I hear in my everyday life and around me, including how to get from one place to another in the same building or somewhere close to where you live, like 'Itla' fuq u dur fuq il-lemin' (Go upstairs and turn on the right), 'Itla' fl-ewwel sular u idħol fil-kamra tax-xellug' (Go to the first floor and go into the room on your left).
8] I can listen to, follow and understand short excerpts about subjects I am familiar with that contain information that I can learn from, like an informative piece that the teacher or classmates read or that I hear/see on the media and the internet.

9] I can listen to and understand a short and simple advert about an object/place related to my everyday life and my surroundings, like an advert for a toy, computer or place of entertainment.

10] I can listen to a short story and show what I have understood from it through verbal means, in writing or through gestures.

11] I can listen to and follow songs / poems / rhymes / tongue-twisters and show what I have understood from them through verbal means, in writing or through gestures, and I can mention examples of rhyme.

12] I can listen to and follow a short play and show what I have understood from it through verbal means, in writing or through gestures.

13] I can listen to and understand mathematical, scientific and technological language that I use in my everyday life like numbers, simple shapes, measurements, weight and the time.
14] I can understand the meaning of simple language that shows feeling and opinion.

15] I can understand simple questions that I am asked and I can answer them orally, in writing or by gestures.

Subject Focus: Reading in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can read words that I've never come across before by joining a sound with another, joining and dividing into syllables or comparing their form with that of other similar words.
2] I can read in a way that makes sense and with confidence, to myself, alone, in silence, for my own pleasure and I start making reading a habit.
3] I can read a text in front of other people, such as during a group meeting, in class or during a student activity.
4] I can read writings in different genres, registers and about different subjects, and recognise their functions, such as articles, short reports, adverts, newspaper notices, leaflets, magazines, light poems, stories, traditional Maltese tales, rhymes, songs and recipes - whether they're printed or in electronic or digital form.
5] I can read and understand the mathematical, scientific and technological language that I use in everyday life, such as numbers, simple shapes, measurements and the time.
6] I can read and understand the most popular words like the days of the week, months, seasons, colours, animals, and the Earth's elements.
7] I can recognise the main components of printed, electronic and digital material such as the title, table of content, chapters, page numbers, sections, images or pictures, captions, the front and back covers, and use them to look for information I need.
8] I can understand the meaning of difficult words and expressions that I don't know from making sense of the whole sentence/paragraph or from the context by relating a word with another and/or words with pictures, and by associating matching quantity and gender with the adjectives that follow them.
9] I can read, understand, and ponder texts, animations and pictures, and form an opinion about them by stating their main points, such as in a chronological or sequential manner, as well as answer questions about them.
10] I can recognise the main subject/s or idea/s of a text by extracting the most important words, sentences or concepts.
11] I can recognise that there are different forms and styles of writing in which language serves different functions depending on the context in which it is being used and the audience to which it is aimed.
12] I can use a dictionary by following the alphabetical order, and by using the first letter/s I can find the meaning of the words that I'm looking for and therefore learn their meaning, spelling, pronunciation and how they're read.
13] I can extract the information I need from the texts that I read, such as when I read instructions or directions contained in a recipe book or a game manual.
14] I can use the facilities offered by libraries (class, school and public ones), I know what I have to do to borrow a book, where I need to look on the shelves depending on the genre, the code and so on.
15] I consider myself a reader and with the help of the teacher/s I can choose books that match my reading level.
16] I can read and pay attention to intonation by correctly following the punctuation marks such as capital letters, dashes, full stops, commas, question and exclamation marks and the colon.
2] I can read in a way that makes sense and with confidence, to myself, alone, in silence, for my own pleasure and I start making reading a habit.

3] I can read a text in front of other people, such as during a group meeting, in class or during a student activity.
4] I can read writings in different genres, registers and about different subjects, and recognise their functions, such as articles, short reports, adverts, newspaper notices, leaflets, magazines, light poems, stories, traditional Maltese tales, rhymes, songs and recipes - whether they're printed or in electronic or digital form.
5] I can read and understand the mathematical, scientific and technological language that I use in everyday life, such as numbers, simple shapes, measurements and the time.
6] I can read and understand the most popular words like the days of the week, months, seasons, colours, animals, and the Earth's elements.
7] I can recognise the main components of printed, electronic and digital material such as the title, table of content, chapters, page numbers, sections, images or pictures, captions, the front and back covers, and use them to look for information I need.

8] I can understand the meaning of difficult words and expressions that I don't know from making sense of the whole sentence/paragraph or from the context by relating a word with another and/or words with pictures, and by associating matching quantity and gender with the adjectives that follow them.

9] I can read, understand, and ponder texts, animations and pictures, and form an opinion about them by stating their main points, such as in a chronological or sequential manner, as well as answer questions about them.

10] I can recognise the main subject/s or idea/s of a text by extracting the most important words, sentences or concepts.

11] I can recognise that there are different forms and styles of writing in which language serves different functions depending on the context in which it is being used and the audience to which it is aimed.
12] I can use a dictionary by following the alphabetical order, and by using the first letter/s I can find the meaning of the words that I'm looking for and therefore learn their meaning, spelling, pronunciation and how they're read.

13] I can extract the information I need from the texts that I read, such as when I read instructions or directions contained in a recipe book or a game manual.

14] I can use the facilities offered by libraries (class, school and public ones), I know what I have to do to borrow a book, where I need to look on the shelves depending on the genre, the code and so on.

15] I consider myself a reader and with the help of the teacher/s I can choose books that match my reading level.
16] I can read and pay attention to intonation by correctly following the punctuation marks such as capital letters, dashes, full stops, commas, question and exclamation marks and the colon.

Subject Focus: Writing in everyday life, use of grammar and literature.
1] I can write and form simple sentences or paragraphs about subjects I'm familiar with.
2] With the help of my teacher, I can join sentences to form paragraphs that follow one another.
3] I can give my personal details in writing.
4] With the help of my teacher, I can find good models of easy writing to improve my writing and reinforce and expand my vocabulary depending on what I want to achieve.
5] I can plan my ideas and organise them, and use this as a base from which to carve out drafts for my writings, depending on what I am aiming for specifically, by asking questions like: who? when? how? where? what happened? why?
6] I can write captions underneath photos and pictures about people and things that I see around me.
7] I can write lists of words and sentences about the things that I have to do, for example a shopping list or errands.
8] I can write messages in cards that I'm about to send to people I love.
9] I can write fictional accounts of not less than 70 words featuring characters, places and stories.
10] I can write factual texts of not less than 70 words with snippets of information about my hometown, the persons I love, animals, hobbies, feasts and so on.
11] I can write dialogues from scratch or add to existing ones of not less than 70 words about subjects that concern my everyday life and my surroundings.
12] I can keep a diary where I write the most important events of my day.
13] I can write simple rhymes of one or two stanzas about subjects I'm interested in like the environment around me, the creatures that I love and the things I like doing.
14] I can write clear and neat final texts that contain no mistakes in syntax, morphology, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
15] I can correctly write words connected to mathematical, scientific and technological language that I use in everyday life, for example numbers, simple shapes, measurements, weight and the time.
16] I can answer direct and inferential questions in writing after I've read and understood a factual or fictional text.
17] I can write easy and simple questions to acquire information that I need, for example for an interview, telephone call and so on.
2] With the help of my teacher, I can join sentences to form paragraphs that follow one another.
3] I can give my personal details in writing.
4] With the help of my teacher, I can find good models of easy writing to improve my writing and reinforce and expand my vocabulary depending on what I want to achieve.
5] I can plan my ideas and organise them, and use this as a base from which to carve out drafts for my writings, depending on what I am aiming for specifically, by asking questions like: who? when? how? where? what happened? why?

6] I can write captions underneath photos and pictures about people and things that I see around me.
7] I can write lists of words and sentences about the things that I have to do, for example a shopping list or errands.
8] I can write messages in cards that I'm about to send to people I love.
9] I can write fictional accounts of not less than 70 words featuring characters, places and stories.
10] I can write factual texts of not less than 70 words with snippets of information about my hometown, the persons I love, animals, hobbies, feasts and so on.
11] I can write dialogues from scratch or add to existing ones of not less than 70 words about subjects that concern my everyday life and my surroundings.

12] I can keep a diary where I write the most important events of my day.
13] I can write simple rhymes of one or two stanzas about subjects I'm interested in like the environment around me, the creatures that I love and the things I like doing.

14] I can write clear and neat final texts that contain no mistakes in syntax, morphology, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

15] I can correctly write words connected to mathematical, scientific and technological language that I use in everyday life, for example numbers, simple shapes, measurements, weight and the time.
16] I can answer direct and inferential questions in writing after I've read and understood a factual or fictional text.
17] I can write easy and simple questions to acquire information that I need, for example for an interview, telephone call and so on.