Educators' Guide for Pedagogy and Assessment
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Learning Area: Mathematics
Mathematics > LEVEL 5
Learning Area Outcome: I understand the structure of the number system and the relationship between numbers.
Subject Focus: Number - The number system
1] I can read, write and order whole numbers to ten thousand in figures and words.
2] I can recognise, read and position whole numbers on a number line.
3] I can recognise, the place value of any digit in a whole number up to ten thousand.
4] I can compare and order whole numbers up to ten thousand and include symbols such as <, > or =.
5] I can recognise, read, say and write (in figures) ordinal numbers from 1st to 31st)
6] I can identify odd and even numbers to ten thousand.
7] I can count forward and backwards in 1s, 2s, 10s and 100s starting from any whole number less than or equal to 1000.
8] I can count forward and backwards in steps of 3, 4, or 5 to and from any whole number less than or equal to 50.
9] I can count forward/backwards in steps of 25 (to/from any multiple of 25) and 50 (to/from any multiple of 50) up to 500.
10] I can recall the first ten multiples of the following numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10.
11] I can recognise and name one half and one quarter and can recognise these in shapes and in a small numbers of objects.
12] I can associate 0.5 with one half.
13] I can recognise and name fractions (with denominator up to 12) that are parts of a whole (which is divided into equal parts)
14] I can recognise and name simple equivalent fractions of a given fraction (with denominator up to 12)
15] I can compare and order fractions (up to 1/12) and position them on a number line.
16] I state one whole number lying halfway between two whole numbers.

2] I can recognise, read and position whole numbers on a number line.

3] I can recognise, the place value of any digit in a whole number up to ten thousand.
4] I can compare and order whole numbers up to ten thousand and include symbols such as <, > or =.
5] I can recognise, read, say and write (in figures) ordinal numbers from 1st to 31st)

6] I can identify odd and even numbers to ten thousand.
7] I can count forward and backwards in 1s, 2s, 10s and 100s starting from any whole number less than or equal to 1000.

8] I can count forward and backwards in steps of 3, 4, or 5 to and from any whole number less than or equal to 50.

9] I can count forward/backwards in steps of 25 (to/from any multiple of 25) and 50 (to/from any multiple of 50) up to 500.

10] I can recall the first ten multiples of the following numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10.
11] I can recognise and name one half and one quarter and can recognise these in shapes and in a small numbers of objects.
12] I can associate 0.5 with one half.

13] I can recognise and name fractions (with denominator up to 12) that are parts of a whole (which is divided into equal parts)

14] I can recognise and name simple equivalent fractions of a given fraction (with denominator up to 12)

15] I can compare and order fractions (up to 1/12) and position them on a number line.

16] I state one whole number lying halfway between two whole numbers.
Learning Area Outcome: I understand the structure of the number system and the relationship between numbers.
Subject Focus: Number - The number system (Assistive Technology & Other Resources)
1] I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets and computers) and other learning resources (e.g. number frames, Cuisenaire rods, Unifix cubes, fraction wall) to learn about numbers and their properties.
Learning Area Outcome: I can calculate mentally and using pencil and paper and assistive technology. I can calculate to the most appropriate level of accuracy. I can check the reasonableness of the answers obtained in calculations by rounding numbers and making rough approximations.
Subject Focus: Number - Numerical calculations (Whole Numbers, Decimal Numbers & Fraction Numbers - The Four Operations)
1] I can add 100 or 1,000 to any whole number.
2] I recognise that I can add numbers in any order and get the same result.
3] I can work out a small difference by counting up from the smaller to the larger number.
4] I recognise that subtraction is the inverse of addition and vice versa. I can also state and write a substraction statement corresponding to a given addition statement and vice versa e.g. if 4 + 3 = 7 then 7 - 3 = 4 and vice versa.
5] I can add/subtract 9 or 11 by adding/subtracting 10 and then adjusting by 1.
6] I can use column addition and subtraction with up to three-digit numbers.
7] I can work through situations involving addition and subtraction with two-digit numbers.
8] I can derive all pairs of 100 in multiples of 5 and 10.
9] I can derive all number pairs that total 100.
10] I can derive all pairs of multiples of 50 with a total of 1000.
11] I can derive all pairs of multiples of 100 with a total of 1000.
12] I can recognise that multiplication is multiple groups (repeated addition).
13] I recognise that I can multiply numbers in any order and get the same result.
14] I associate division with equal sharing.
15] I can associate division with equal grouping (repeated subtraction).
16] I recognise that division is the inverse of multiplication. I can also state and write a division statement corresponding to a given multiplication statement (2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication facts), and vice versa e.g. if 4 × 3 = 12 then 12 ÷ 3 = 4 and vice versa.
17] I can mentally multiply an integer by multiples of 10 and 100.
18] I recognise unit fractions (one half, one quarter) and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers.
19] I can double whole numbers up to 500.
20] I can halve even numbers up to 500.
21] I can recognise that halving is the inverse of doubling.
22] I can find remainders after division (restricted to dividends up to 100 and divisors up to 10).
23] I can work through simple one-step situations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division.
I can also give a rough estimate of the answer of such situations and I can check the reasonableness of the answer.
24] I can round any whole two-digit number to the nearest ten and any three-digit number to the nearest hundred.
25] I can find fractions of shapes and simple whole numbers.
26] I can read and interpret scales involving whole numbers.

2] I recognise that I can add numbers in any order and get the same result.

3] I can work out a small difference by counting up from the smaller to the larger number.
4] I recognise that subtraction is the inverse of addition and vice versa. I can also state and write a substraction statement corresponding to a given addition statement and vice versa e.g. if 4 + 3 = 7 then 7 - 3 = 4 and vice versa.

5] I can add/subtract 9 or 11 by adding/subtracting 10 and then adjusting by 1.

6] I can use column addition and subtraction with up to three-digit numbers.

7] I can work through situations involving addition and subtraction with two-digit numbers.

8] I can derive all pairs of 100 in multiples of 5 and 10.

9] I can derive all number pairs that total 100.

10] I can derive all pairs of multiples of 50 with a total of 1000.

11] I can derive all pairs of multiples of 100 with a total of 1000.
12] I can recognise that multiplication is multiple groups (repeated addition).

13] I recognise that I can multiply numbers in any order and get the same result.

14] I associate division with equal sharing.

15] I can associate division with equal grouping (repeated subtraction).

16] I recognise that division is the inverse of multiplication. I can also state and write a division statement corresponding to a given multiplication statement (2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication facts), and vice versa e.g. if 4 × 3 = 12 then 12 ÷ 3 = 4 and vice versa.

17] I can mentally multiply an integer by multiples of 10 and 100.

18] I recognise unit fractions (one half, one quarter) and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers.

19] I can double whole numbers up to 500.

20] I can halve even numbers up to 500.
21] I can recognise that halving is the inverse of doubling.

22] I can find remainders after division (restricted to dividends up to 100 and divisors up to 10).

23] I can work through simple one-step situations using addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division.
I can also give a rough estimate of the answer of such situations and I can check the reasonableness of the answer.
24] I can round any whole two-digit number to the nearest ten and any three-digit number to the nearest hundred.
25] I can find fractions of shapes and simple whole numbers.

26] I can read and interpret scales involving whole numbers.

Learning Area Outcome: I can calculate mentally and using pencil and paper and assistive technology. I can calculate to the most appropriate level of accuracy. I can check the reasonableness of the answers obtained in calculations by rounding numbers and making rough approximations.
Subject Focus: Number - Numerical calculations (Money & Consumer Mathematics)
1] I can recognise that 1 euro is equal to 100 cent.
2] I can work out totals up to one hundred euro and give the correct change.
3] I can handle small amounts of money in classroom situations (e.g. keeping track of money collected from small change for charity money collections). I can plan an activity within a given budget (e.g. using tickets, travel brochures, price lists, menus ...). I can use receipts, simple menus, entrance tickets to work out totals and change.
I can deduce that prices marked as €0.99 are a marketing strategy to make prices more attractive.
2] I can work out totals up to one hundred euro and give the correct change.
3] I can handle small amounts of money in classroom situations (e.g. keeping track of money collected from small change for charity money collections). I can plan an activity within a given budget (e.g. using tickets, travel brochures, price lists, menus ...). I can use receipts, simple menus, entrance tickets to work out totals and change.
I can deduce that prices marked as €0.99 are a marketing strategy to make prices more attractive.
Learning Area Outcome: I can calculate mentally and using pencil and paper and assistive technology. I can calculate to the most appropriate level of accuracy. I can check the reasonableness of the answers obtained in calculations by rounding numbers and making rough approximations.
Subject Focus: Number - Numerical calculations (Assistive Technology & Other Resources)
1] I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets and computers) and other resources (e.g. Number frames, Cuisenaire rods, Unifix cubes, base 10 blocks, fraction wall, euro coins), appropriate to this level to calculate and to learn about numerical calculations.
Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe patterns and relationships in various mathematical ways and can use algebraic manipulations.
Subject Focus: Algebra – Fundamentals of Algebra
1] I can recognise and extend simple pictorial patterns and number sequences formed by counting any positive integer in constant steps.
2] I can recognise the use of an empty box symbol to stand in for an unknown number and can find the unknown number.
2] I can recognise the use of an empty box symbol to stand in for an unknown number and can find the unknown number.

Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe patterns and relationships in various mathematical ways and can use algebraic manipulations.
Subject Focus: Algebra – Fundamentals of Algebra (Assistive Technology & Other Resources)
1] I can use assistive technology, (e.g. tablets and computers) and other resources, (e.g. equation balance) appropriate to this level to learn about the fundamentals of algebra.
Learning Area Outcome: I understand and can use forms of measurement and can make reasonable estimations.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Measures (Angles)
1] I can show and label the four compass points.
2] I can recognise and illustrate that a right angle is a quarter of a whole turn. I ca also recognise such angles in 2D shapes and in the environment.
3] I can make and describe right angle turns including turns between the four compass points.
4] I can recognise, measure and draw angles of 90° and 180° without the use of a protractor.
5] I can compare an angle with a right angle.

2] I can recognise and illustrate that a right angle is a quarter of a whole turn. I ca also recognise such angles in 2D shapes and in the environment.

3] I can make and describe right angle turns including turns between the four compass points.

4] I can recognise, measure and draw angles of 90° and 180° without the use of a protractor.

5] I can compare an angle with a right angle.
Learning Area Outcome: I understand and can use forms of measurement and can make reasonable estimations.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Measures (Length, Area, Volume, Mass & Capacity)
1] I can define the length of an object as a measure of the distance between the endpoints of an object.
2] I can define the mass of an object as the measure of the amount of material in the object.
3] I can define the capacity of a container as the total amount of fluid that can be poured into the container.
4] I can read and write the vocabulary related to length, mass and capacity.
5] I know the standard metric units of length (kilometres, metres, centimetres and millimetre) ; mass (kilograms and grams) ; capacity (litres and millilitres). I also know the abbreviations of these standard units and recognise the relationships between different units of the same measure.
6] I can estimate, measure and compare lengths, masses and capacities.
7] I can use the decimal notation to express metric measures of length, mass and capacity.
8] I can convert and use larger to smaller standard metric units of mass (kg, g), length (km, m, cm, mm) and capacity (l, ml) and vice versa.
9] I can suggest and use measuring equipment to estimate and/or measure length mass and capacity.
10] I can draw a line to the nearest centimetre.
2] I can define the mass of an object as the measure of the amount of material in the object.
3] I can define the capacity of a container as the total amount of fluid that can be poured into the container.
4] I can read and write the vocabulary related to length, mass and capacity.

5] I know the standard metric units of length (kilometres, metres, centimetres and millimetre) ; mass (kilograms and grams) ; capacity (litres and millilitres). I also know the abbreviations of these standard units and recognise the relationships between different units of the same measure.

6] I can estimate, measure and compare lengths, masses and capacities.

7] I can use the decimal notation to express metric measures of length, mass and capacity.
8] I can convert and use larger to smaller standard metric units of mass (kg, g), length (km, m, cm, mm) and capacity (l, ml) and vice versa.
9] I can suggest and use measuring equipment to estimate and/or measure length mass and capacity.
10] I can draw a line to the nearest centimetre.
Learning Area Outcome: I understand and can use forms of measurement and can make reasonable estimations.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Measures (Time)
1] I can read and write vocabulary related to time.
2] I can use standard units of time and know the relationships between them.
3] I can read and write time to the hour/half hour.
4] I can read, write and use the 12-hour clock (analogue and digital) to 5 minutes. [terms 'past' and 'to' are not mandatory]
5] I can draw hands on the clock face to show time.
6] I can use 'a.m.' and 'p.m.'
7] I can read and use a calendar.
8] I can determine a time interval (hour/half hour) from an o'clock time.

2] I can use standard units of time and know the relationships between them.
3] I can read and write time to the hour/half hour.
4] I can read, write and use the 12-hour clock (analogue and digital) to 5 minutes. [terms 'past' and 'to' are not mandatory]
5] I can draw hands on the clock face to show time.
6] I can use 'a.m.' and 'p.m.'
7] I can read and use a calendar.

8] I can determine a time interval (hour/half hour) from an o'clock time.
Learning Area Outcome: I understand and can use forms of measurement and can make reasonable estimations.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Measures (Assistive Technology & Other Resources)
1] I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets and computers) and other resources (e.g. plastic money, cardboard clocks, 2D and 3D plastic shapes, measuring instruments) appropriate to this level to learn about measures.
Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe the properties of shapes. I can use these properties to construct shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and to prove given geometric statements.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Euclidean geometry (Lines & Lines Segments)
1] I can describe and draw pictures and patterns.

Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe the properties of shapes. I can use these properties to construct shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and to prove given geometric statements.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Euclidean geometry (Triangles)
1] I can recognise, name, draw and describe the simple 2D shape: the triangle.

Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe the properties of shapes. I can use these properties to construct shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and to prove given geometric statements.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Euclidean geometry (Quadrilaterals)
1] I can recognise, name, sketch and describe the simple 2D shapes: the square and the rectangle.

Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe the properties of shapes. I can use these properties to construct shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and to prove given geometric statements.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Euclidean geometry (Polygons)
1] I can sort and classify simple 2D shapes using their various properties.

Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe the properties of shapes. I can use these properties to construct shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and to prove given geometric statements.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Euclidean geometry (3D Shapes)
1] I can recognise and name the simple 3D shapes: the cube and the cuboid.

Learning Area Outcome: I can recognise and describe the properties of shapes. I can use these properties to construct shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and to prove given geometric statements.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Euclidean geometry (Assistive Technology & Other Resources)
1] I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets and computers) and other resources (e.g. 2D and 3D plastic shapes) appropriate to this level to learn about properties of shapes.
Learning Area Outcome: I can describe position and movement of shapes in a plane.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Transformation geometry (Movement)
1] I can distinguish between right, left, up and down, and can move an object in each of these directions. I can also describe the movement of the object in each of these directions.
2] I can read and write the vocabulary related to position, direction and movement.
3] I can describe and find the position of a square on a grid of squares with rows and columns labelled.

2] I can read and write the vocabulary related to position, direction and movement.

3] I can describe and find the position of a square on a grid of squares with rows and columns labelled.
Learning Area Outcome: I can describe position and movement of shapes in a plane.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Transformation geometry (Reflections)
1] I can recognise reflective symmetry in a square.
2] I can identify and draw lines of symmetry in simple 2D shapes.
3] I can recognise shapes with no, one and two lines of symmetry.
4] I can draw the other half of a simple symmetrical object inspired by examples of symmetry in nature.

2] I can identify and draw lines of symmetry in simple 2D shapes.

3] I can recognise shapes with no, one and two lines of symmetry.

4] I can draw the other half of a simple symmetrical object inspired by examples of symmetry in nature.

Learning Area Outcome: I can describe position and movement of shapes in a plane.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Transformation geometry (Rotations)
1] I can describe right angle rotations.
Learning Area Outcome: I can describe position and movement of shapes in a plane.
Subject Focus: Shape, space and measures – Transformation geometry (Assistive Technology & Other Resources)
1] I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets and computers) and other resources (e.g. 2D and 3D plastic shapes) appropriate to this level to learn about transformation geometry.
Learning Area Outcome: I can collect, analyse, interpret and communicate statistical information.
Subject Focus: Data handling and chance – Statistics
1] I can collect, sort, organise and classify data in a table.
2] I can read and interpret a frequency table.
3] I can complete a frequency table.
4] I can read and interpret a block graph.
5] I can construct a block graph.
6] I can work through a situation by representing and interpreting data in tables, graphs and charts.
7] I can read and interpret a pictograph where the symbol represents one or two units.
8] I can draw a pictograph where the symbol represents one or two units.
9] I can read and interpret a Carroll diagram.
2] I can read and interpret a frequency table.
3] I can complete a frequency table.
4] I can read and interpret a block graph.

5] I can construct a block graph.

6] I can work through a situation by representing and interpreting data in tables, graphs and charts.

7] I can read and interpret a pictograph where the symbol represents one or two units.
8] I can draw a pictograph where the symbol represents one or two units.
9] I can read and interpret a Carroll diagram.

Learning Area Outcome: I can collect, analyse, interpret and communicate statistical information.
Subject Focus: Data handling and chance – Statistics (Assistive Technology & Other Resources)
1] I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets and computers) and other learning resources to learn about statistics.