EN | MT  


  • Cross Curricular Themes Learning Outcomes Framework
    Introduction to the Cross Curricular Theme
    A definition and description of the purpose of learning within the cross curricular theme:
    One of the most important aspects of literacy in Malta is the implication that a literate person is fluent in both Maltese and English. An essential factor to ensure that Malta remains a bilingual country is making sure that its learners develop equal competences in reading, writing, speaking, listening and comprehending in both official languages from the early years, preferably from kindergarten. Another is ensuring that learners develop the skill to switch easily from Maltese to English (or vice versa) depending on the situational need. Achieving bilingual literacy in our education means that all our young people feel comfortable and confident using both languages.

    Literacy development will require a whole-school approach that is clearly reflected in school policies where there is a conscious effort in which a community for literacy is promoted throughout the curriculum. Literacy for learning is an intrinsic part of school life and every subject domain can serve as a context whereby literacy skills development could be enhanced. Furthermore, schools should strive for a literacy rich environment using technology as a platform.

    The relevance of reading aloud and presenting ideas to an audience and the opportunities for contextualised language and play acting (drama) should be clearly identified as components of spoken literacy across the curriculum. Stressing the importance of oracy is key to encouraging active learning cultures and communities.

    With regard to reading, the fun and interactive aspect of reading is very important; the purpose of reading should initially be for fun/interest and communication. The value of entertainment in reading, which is closely linked to attitude and disposition to language, is crucial especially in the Early and Junior Years. Critical and creative thinking, where the learner increasingly takes control of texts in different domains and gains awareness, will follow.

    Theme Learning Outcomes:
    Listening and speaking
    I can converse in a range of situations, both formal and informal, matching register and language to the situation and audience. 
    I can listen to and understand spoken text well and respond or apply the information appropriately with comments and/or questions.
    I can use langauge to present my thinking logically and clearly and can talk to engage an audience while analysing and evaluation through an open-ended approach.  
    I can use spoken language to share my ideas in a collaborative way, appreciating the social elements of conversation such as waiting for my turn and listening to what others have to say.  
    Expressive language 
    I can use expressive language to develop my own thinking, using words to explore, clarify and confirm ideas.  
    I can use expressive language to develop my thinking and the thinking of others by contributing to the explorative talk of my peers and the dialogic talk of my teachers.  
    I can use expressive language to organise and rehearse ideas, arguments and language structures in order to synthesise and evaluate before writing and while editing.  
    Reading and understanding 
    I can decode print effectively and successfully establish multisensory linking and phonemic awareness between grapheme and phoneme.  
    I can read text in a fluent manner and understand what is written, gain knowledge and enjoy the process.  
    I can select real, virtual and multimedia texts to entertain and inform me, constructing meaning from text, using words and visual or audio information to confirm, complement or change what I already know while discarding the superfluous.  
    I can approach texts purposefully:  I am aware of what I hope to gain from them and am able to use retrieval devices, cross references and links to follow themes or ideas through various means including texts accessed via technology.  
    I can select appropriate texts for my purposes, taking account of implied readership and provenance as well as subject matter and format.  
    I can identify and follow the different reading conventions of my academic subjects, regarding the place and purpose of reading texts in learning and in questioning or accepting the authority of these texts.  
    I can draw on what I have read, what I have done and what I have felt at home, at school and at play to inform my writing.  
    ​I can convey my thoughts powerfully and eloquently through speech and text.  
    I can select the appropriate language, register, genre and medium for the texts I write.  
    I can use writing in both manuscript (handwritten form) as well as digital form in order to inform, to persuade and to entertain other people.  
    I can use writing to consider ideas and to reflect on and consolidate my own thinking and learning.  I can follow the writing conventions of the genres and subjects I am studying.  
    I can write accurately using language conventions and rules such as those established by Standard English / Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti / l-Akkademja tal-Malti.  
    I can use my knowledge of morphology as well as my phonological awareness and visual memory to attempt to spell unfamiliar words and recognise correct spelling. 
    I can use a range of punctuation marks to make my meaning clear to a reader.  
    Planning and reflection 
    I can plan my written work and think what I want to communicate before I start to write.  
    I can understand the need for drafting; I can edit and proofread my work and allow sufficient time in which to complete a piece of work.  
    I can reflect about my writing and think about how I learn best.